
Posted by: Duncan Fullerton on 30 July 2001

Had a thought last night ... I have a CDX and XPS. So sitting inside the CDX is a dirty great big transformer and associated gubbins. Now I know that we say to keep power supplies away from front ends/pre-amps etc.. But can these things have any effect when not plugged in whether benficial (remember the old HFN/RR "flux dumper"?) or detrimental?

Has any brave soul out there dared to invalidate the warrnty/trash the re-sale value by carrying out a transformer-otomy on a CDX? If so, what was the result?

Posted on: 30 July 2001 by Andrew Randle
I must say, that the thought has occurred to me. However, the thing to do is to send the player to Naim's service department and get them to do it.

That is if Naim reckon that the transformer-otomy is worthwhile.....


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 30 July 2001 by Ade Archer
I'd swap the 82 and CD player around. My system sounded better when I put my 82 on the top shelf of my rack with the CDX/Empty Shelf/250/Hicap below (in that order), instead of CDX then 82 below. I think Naim's advice is to seperate the pre from the power amp/ power supply as much as possible, length if interconnect permitting.
