Results of move from Linn K20 to NACA5

Posted by: Mr_Sukebe on 24 August 2002

Thought you might be interested in the results of the above change with my Nait 5/Linn Kaber combination.

In comparison:
- The K20 was brighter, but to the point that it was uncomfortable on some tracks. My Texas album (White on Blonde) was simply unlistenable. So the NACA 5 is rather less over the top
- I'm not sure about detail yet. As the Linn was so bright, it exemplified detail, so I haven't quite got the hang of it yet
- The bass seems slightly less well defined
- Vocal work definitely sounds more natural

So, in overall summary, definitely a good move as I can now listen to more of my music collection without wincing so much.
Posted on: 24 August 2002 by Rico
My Texas album (White on Blonde) was simply unlistenable.

And you're blaming the cable? big grin

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio