Will I regret giving up my Spectral pre-amp and amp (entry level Spectral) For Naim 112/150 With Dynaudio Contour 1.8's
Posted by: Jaybar on 15 March 2001
I have a Naim CD 5 CDP which I am most impressed with. I will be getting a headline headphone amp in a few days. I also have a Linn TT with a Lingo, Linto,Arkiv and Ekos.
My dealer says that the combination of NAIM electronics and Dynaudio produces phenominal sound. A match made in heaven so to speak. Can the 112/150 Combination power the Dynaudio speakers in a 12 ft by 23 foot room which opens into a small dinning area. Will this comprimize sound quality? Obviously higher level Naim equipment would prove better, but cash is VERY tight and I would largely have to rely on the resale value of my spectral gear.
I am also looking to Simplify my HIFI life into as few boxes as possible.