Posted by: Tim Danaher on 18 October 2001
I've got the chance to upgrade my present NAP 250 to a pair of NAP 135s quite cheaply, so:
Can I use a pair of 135s with a NAC 32/SNAPS front end (temporarily) or will I need a 32.5 / HiCAP?
Any help would be appreciated.
According to my handbook you'll need a hicap. I'll try to find the book. If I do I'll scan and send you the relevant diagram.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I can't get the upload to take the file so...
From the handbook.....
"The NAP 250 and NAP 135 are always used with a seperate power suppy. Either a SNAPS or HICAP can be used with the 250, but the 135 always requires a HI-CAP. In both cases the signal is taken from the power supply via a 4 pin DIN to 3 pin XLR interconnect."
Of course, I'm not an expert so I may be wrong.
I will continue to try to upload the actual page from the handbook.
Even if there were only one output socket on the SNAPS, you could make a special "Y" to split it into separate channels. When I bought my 135s, the previous owner gave me one of these cables. I believe he was using four 135s to "bi-mono-amp" some big B&Ws, which would have required four output sockets from his *-cap. The special Y-cable allowed him to get away with only two sockets.
So it will definitely work, although it might require minimal fiddling.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I am under the impression that Tim is using a standard 32/snaps configuration. In that situation, it will not work with 135's.
The text from my handbook has now uploaded.
The special Y-cable allowed him to get away with only two sockets.
If the SNAPS has only one O/P socket, Naim can make this cable to order. I just bought some to drive 4 x 135's from 2 x Hi-Cap output sockets. Cost about £85 each.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
The Y-cable that was given to me by the previous owner of my 135s looked a heck of a lot like it was made by Naim.
Eh! I didn't say it wasn't, did I?
Listen Mike, it is fair to say I know nothing about this 'Y' cable so my reply to Tim was "No you can't use the SNAPS with 135's." As you've probably seen by now this was based on my handbook. What more can I say?
Your answer was a simple, "Yes it will work fine." You initially offered no amplification about why or how it would work. Had Tim taken your advice at face value and bought the 135's how would he have used them? He (and probably many others) know nothing about this method of using a SNAPS with 135's. The fact that you offered the explanation was only in response to my repeating that it wouldn't work. In the end this is all good news because this is what the forum is about...sharing information. Thanks for explaining it, although it seemingly had to be almost dragged out of you.
Thanks for explaining it, although it seemingly had to be almost dragged out of you.
On the rare occasion I try to reign in my natural tendancy towards verbosity, which unfortunately can leave my responses seeming overly terse and obfuscating.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-