Used CDi purchase - advice please

Posted by: Team Reeves on 31 May 2001

I'm auditioning a secondhand CDi this weekend - what should I look (out) for ? All advice gratefully received.
Posted on: 31 May 2001 by woodface
I would basically look at all round condition of the player. The fact that it has a glass lid to the CD tray is a good indicator of how it has been treated. If the glass is scratched and scuffed then you know it has probably had a hard life! But the best thing to do is play some CDs and let it warm up. I have had mine for 2 years and it has not misssed a beat, it also one of the most listenable CD players around. You are unlikely to get anything better for the Money.
Posted on: 31 May 2001 by Willem van Gemert
I agree with Christian. Tracking can be a serious problem with the CDI. A friend of mine changed his CD 3.5 for a CDI and although he's very happy with the sound, the tracking problem spoils much of his fun. I'm not sure, but I have the impression there are no longer new transports available for the CDI. So, if you encounter a problem with the player and you would need a new transport that would be impossible. This is at least the case with the CDS I, but there at least you have the pricy option to "upgrade" the player to CDS II. Check with Naim to be sure.



Posted on: 31 May 2001 by ken c
my nephew, master will, bought his cdi second hand and had ir thoroughly serviced by naim audio. he sometimes brings it round just to embarass by cd2, and i have never encontered a tracking problem with it. the inability of the m/c to read certain discs is easily sorted out by reconditioning the puck... and there has been several very useful threads on this in the past (see for example, "puck off").

will do you want to add anything to this?



Posted on: 01 June 2001 by Team Reeves
Thanks to you all for the info. I am v.keen to go ahead but am worried by the spare transport situation at Naim. If the transport dies x years down the line there is no guarantee that it can be replaced. Looks like I might have to save up much longer for a CDX.
Posted on: 01 June 2001 by Team Reeves
Yes, there are CDMpro transports available at Naim, but this is obviously not an infinite resource. Nobody can tell how long they may last, as, indeed, nobody can tell how long an individual transport will last. frown frown
Posted on: 01 June 2001 by Team Reeves
Thanks , Aljoscha. Can you give us some idea of the intensity of use ?? Light, medium, heavy, or on all day !
Posted on: 05 June 2001 by Craig B
I currently have a CD3-5/Flatcap and am considering replacing it with a CDI or CD2. A CDX is not currently within the budget as I am on the verge of purchasing a new home.

I also have a spare CDM4 transport with healthy Nextel ring that is currently residing in an operational Mission PCM II player. I figure that having it would at least make a CDM4 equipped CDI a relatively safe bet despite its age.

Does anyone have any direct experience of changing from CD3-5/Flatcap to CDI or CD2 and was it worth it?

The rest of my system is NAT02/NAIT2/IBL and is played at moderate levels in a smallish listening room.



Posted on: 06 June 2001 by Peter Stockwell
In response to how much? -
The replacement cost of a mech for a CDI is circa £500.00. yes I know this is expensive but we've no option. The original CDM04 mech is long since discontinued so we have to put
a modified CDM 09 in there.

CD2 replacement mechs would cost £317.00 (new) or a refurbished one for around £100.
