Just thought I'd let you know
Posted by: Alex S. on 12 March 2002
Also, the venerable Parry of Swindon and I have been discussing a joint business venture where we promise to send things to people and remove their money whilst doing sod all.
Anyway, since Wednesday 6 Feb I have been in a state of constant, delicious, orgiastic ecstasy as choirs of Heavenly Angels descended on my humble manger/workshop (I am nearly a carpenter after all). This aural visitation has left me in a euphoric state, its otherworldliness normally visted only in dreams or with the help of very expensive chemicals. Cherubs tinkle their horns whilst diaphanous maidens stroke my ego. . .
Fortunately, I have managed to stop glowing and quivvering with pleasure for a few moments in order to share this with you all. . .
And Stallion's discovered a new mains block.