72 Vs 92

Posted by: garyi on 11 October 2001

Is the 72 considered better than the 92 and is it worth 350 quid.

Thank you very muchly

Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Bas V
It's probably up to your ears. I prefer the 92 over the 72. But I am also a big fan of the 102, so I'm probably a "modern Naimie". I bet ya most will tell you the 72 is better.

Good luck...

Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
The 72 is definitely better than the 92. (Sorry Bas V.) It's fuller, more open, controls the frequency spectrum better, has more slam, etc., etc., etc.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Justin

I have to agree with most of what is said here. The 72 is considerably better than a nac 92. I've lived with both, and the 72 is much much better. It's similar to the difference between a nac 32.5 and a nac 42.5. There is no contest.

Here, I have seen them on the used market for less than $600 US, which is like 400 quid.

That said, I have also owned the nac 102, and preferred (prefer) the 72 when I had my old speakers (proacs). Now with SBL's, I wonder whether the relative virtues of the 102 would persuade me that it is better than the 72. I just might.


Posted on: 11 October 2001 by BrianD
It's similar to the difference between a nac 32.5 and a nac 42.5.

As it is supposed to be, the 72 is better than a 92. The position in the market of the preamps places the 92 in the same performance bracket as the 42.5. It is outperformed in every way imaginable by a 72 and by a 32.5.

£350 seems to be the usual 'used' price.


Posted on: 11 October 2001 by SaturnSF
<i>This only makes sense if you mean "modern look naimy"</i>

Not entirely true, since the 102 has the "old look".

Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Peter C
The 72 preamp is better sounding than the 92.

The 92 was designed as a preamp to fill the gap between the NAIT and 72. Hence why it doesnt sound as good as a 72.

Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Phil Barry
I lived with a 62 for a few years before getting a 72. When I became dissatisfied with the 62, I first tried to buy a 72. I found it unlistenably harsh , except with the best source material (LP and radio). I took the 72 back. A few months later I got a hicap, which is great with everything it's designed for.

The 72/hicap is far, far better than a 62/hicap. The only reason I got an 82 is that I somehow could not live without remote control.

I'd recommend considering a hicap before a 72.


Posted on: 11 October 2001 by BrianD
The only reason I got an 82 is that I somehow could not live without remote control

I followed an even more expensive route. My kids are my remote control. big grin


Posted on: 12 October 2001 by Bas V
I have had the same experience as Phil here. The 72 sounded really bright and the bass was really overblown. I lived with a 92 those days and thought the 72 was rubbish. Should have listened to it in my own room with my own system off course, but nevertheless I still think the 92 is a pretty good pre-amp. Perhaps it masks defincies in the front better?!
Posted on: 12 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
If anything, the 72 is warm and wooly (especially compared to the pinched and forced 92). I suspect that the 72s you guys were listening to were probably not broken in, or the power was particularly terrible.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by garyi
I know this shouldn't matter but is the 72 in the old style, or should I say the old old style. Or even more simply does it have a pretty shiney Naim logo or not?

Got to keep it looking like the rest of the system!

Its either that or hold out for a better power amp to connect to the 92, what would people opinions be of that. 72/90 or 92/.....

Cheers, have some spends which, well have to be spent!

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by Phil Barry
Let me expand. A 62/140 is in my mind essentially identical to a 92/140.

I found the 62/140 to be extremely involving, whatever it's hifi weaknesses are. The 72/140 is far better hifi (more detail, better dynamics, better frequency extremes) but the upper midrange was effected me like chalk scratching a chalkboard, except on the best source material.

I did a home demo of the shop's demo 72; it was broken in and warmed up for 24 hours. In the store, it was great - but I only brought the best LPs I had to the store.

8 months after getting my first hicap, I found a very cheap, guaranteed new style 72/hicap. It had been sitting in the store unplayed for weeks. When I got it home, it took me 5 seconds to decide the cold 72/hicap blew away the warm 62/hicap -n hifi and musical terms.

But without a hicap, I'll take a 42/62/92 over a 72 any day.


Posted on: 12 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
But without a hicap, I'll take a 42/62/92 over a 72 any day.

This is an interesting point. I don't really enjoy any Naim pre-amp without some kind of external power suppy (other than the "cheater" supply from the power amp). Therefore, all of my comparisons tend to be done with a minimum of a SNAPS2 powering the pre-amp.

Considering the almost laughably low cost of a SNAPS2 (even adding servicing), I can't believe anyone would bother to run a pre-amp off the power-amp's supply.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by garyi
Well I have a flat cap as well, I know its minimal but its something, so would this be able to power the 72?

Other wise what about a better power amp than the 90, say the next one up?

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by BrianD
Use your flatcap with the 72. Don't upgrade
the power amp before upgrading the preamp. I've
gone 110>160 and 42.5>32.5. The preamp upgrade
was the biggest by miles.


Posted on: 12 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
Yes, the Flat-Cap will do nicely on the 72, as it will on almost every other Naim pre-amp, except the 52 and a few really old ones. (It will work with any pre-amp that can use a Hi-Cap.)

The 110 is better than the 90, and you could probably sell your 90 for more than the 110 would cost you (because the 90 has a new style case).

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by BrianD
The 110 is better than the 90, and you could probably sell your 90 for more than the 110 would cost you


I hadn't thought of that. Excellent idea. People
shouldn't underestimate the quality of some of the older Naim gear, the 110 is better than the 90. He could of course go for a 160 which, at £300-£350 (UK) is an absolute steal. wink


Posted on: 12 October 2001 by sceptic
[QUOTE]Originally posted by garyi:
I know this shouldn't matter but is the 72 in the old style, or should I say the old old style. Or even more simply does it have a pretty shiney Naim logo or not?

Got to keep it looking like the rest of the system!

---Don't worry, it has. It was the first preamp with the "smudged print look". roll eyes

Posted on: 12 October 2001 by garyi
Smudged? I don't understand!
Posted on: 13 October 2001 by sceptic
You will if you buy one.
Its like all the flat-front cases still around from what I can see on the naim website, I don't know if there has been any minor revision of how its done, but mine has the words written in black on the surface of the plastic which only line up with the backlit letters if you happen to be looking from dead straight on. Its a deliberate 3d effect but I think it looks tacky. The latest design is even worse.


OO naim audio

like 102 not 112