Installing a Hi-cap

Posted by: Hammerhead on 24 April 2002

I’ve just become the proud owner of a hi-cap. What I need to know before I start installing it tonight, is this method acceptable:

1) Turn off 140
2) Remove snaic from 102 (but leave napsc switched on, still connected to 102)
3) Hook up 140 to hi-cap, then hi-cap to 102
4) Switch on hi-cap
5) Switch on 140

Or do I need to power down everything first?


=<cdx/102/napsc/hi/140)>= ;-)
Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Dr. Exotica
Steve - why not power everything down? Fumbling around with cables to connect a Hi-Cap should take all of two minutes. Thus, warming the equipment up again should not be an issue.

Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Hammerhead
Geoff, nice one wink

Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Andrew Randle
I agree with the above points too (especially the cuppa tea bit), everything must be shut down. The short period of time makes little difference to the warm-up, and is better being safe than sorry.

Remember that the cable with the hicap goes from the preamp to the hicap. The cable you already have will go from the hicap to the power amp. Also ensure the cable directions are correct: preamp->hicap-140.

Don't forget to plug in the NAPSC (!!).


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Steve B
And when you've finished let us know what you think!

Steve B
Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Hammerhead
..bloody marvellous! If you haven’t got a hi-cap already, I suggest you go and get one as soon as possible. It’s totally transformed the presentation into something far more bouncy, agile and fun. All those that have said a hi-caps effect is marginal are talking rubbish. Fiona (the Mrs) noticed it straight away and she was sat in the next room! In hi-fi terms, it pulls everything into focus, bass notes are far better controlled and the upper frequencies are much cleaner with added detail a bonus.

Installation was easy (yes, I did power everything down), as was cabling seeing as the labels on the back of the hi-cap are easy to understand.

Heed of warning though – a hi-cap is a hefty little fella. I carried mine down to the train station tonight from my office (about a mile). By the time I got there, my arms felt like they were going to explode! Do Naim make these things out of Kryptonite?! It certainly felt like it!

Right, no more boxes (for a while..) – more music!

Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Rico
Heed of warning though – a hi-cap is a hefty little fella. I carried mine down to the train station tonight from my office (about a mile). By the time I got there, my arms felt like they were going to explode!

Harden up, fella. I carried mine around a ferry from wales to dublin, and then again from belfast to liverpool in a fit of "our car'll get broken into on the car deck" paranoia. roll eyes Yes I know, unlikely, but wanted to avoid the hassle and not tempt fate. Perhaps you should acquire a couple of SNAPS to train with for a while, before you build up to pumping hicaps. big grin

Pleased to hear it's sounding good for you - and it's interesting to note that with this kit, no matter how hard we try to avoid it the old "heard the difference from the next room" cliche keeps on coming back for more! The only time I've heard this bettered was "I heard it thru the telephone line" from Jawed, on Dev's system improvements. smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Martinm
Dumb question perhaps, but what does the NAPSC do?

A SNAPS i assumed was the fore runner to the Hi-cap.

Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Hammerhead
From the products section:

"In addition, sound quality can be further enhanced by adding a NAPSC to power the digital control circuitry of the pre-amplifier, reducing noise and significantly improving performance"

Seems to do the job smile

Posted on: 25 April 2002 by garyi
Another one of note: "Even my Girlfriend/wife could tell the difference" etc etc.

I guess we use our better halves to justify our purchases, so funny.
Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Hammerhead
She made the observation, simple as that smile If I want something, I get it (eventually!)

Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Greg Beatty
...the NAPSC is the only issue here. As soon as the 140 gets turned off, the 102 will be off anyway (right?).

The CD player can probably stay on...

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here
Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Martinm
Cheers Steve!