Bi-amping with 2 250s or 135s or Both?
Posted by: Alex S. on 01 August 2001
I have been told by a surprising number outside this forum that bi-amping 250s does/should sound better than 135s (with N805s). Having 2 250s already I very much hoped this was true since I would thus be spared another upgrade path. Nonetheless, some spare time and curiosity combined to get the better of me and I went to have a listen. Sadly, it is not so, 135s outperform 250s by some margin - much more space and instrumental separation, hold on to notes much better, sound less forced, especially at high volume. Nonethless when conventionally bi-amping with 250s (ie treble with one, bass/mid with the other) they do excel in the treble. For example, the piano and trumpet in the final movement of Shostokovich Piano No 1 sounded very sweet and dynamic.
So perhaps one should put a 250 on the treble and use a 135 on each bass/midrange. Having made this suggestion my dealer politely showed me the door.