Where has the Imperial Audio soceity gone?

Posted by: James Long on 01 October 2002

At least a few people here talk about the imperial college audio soceity, from when they used to study at the college.

Here I am at the freshers fair and its not in sight or listed anywhere.

Does this mean that the club is no more?
Posted on: 01 October 2002 by Phil Sparks
... if it has gone then someone has probably whizzed the old kit - my flatmate and I had it on extended loan for a month or 6 in our 4th year (1987-8). LP12, Ittok, 42, 110, kans if I recall.

The audio-soc was the only IC club that made a profit. We used to take orders for current LPs, head off to a wholesalers, round the prices up to the nearest 50p and the club profited from all these round-ups, hence the acquisition of said kit. We also got a 10% discount on gear from the SoundOrg in its Hamish/Roger hayday.

Posted on: 02 October 2002 by Paul Stephenson
Julian and I did a couple of demo nights there. The young Toraj was a member then.
Posted on: 02 October 2002 by Tarquin Maynard - Portly
No doubt the buggers from Brussels have made them go metric.

Posted on: 03 October 2002 by James Long
Despite not being at the fair, the soceity does have a website, http://union.ic.ac.uk/audiosoc/

Seems that they meet on tuesdays and so ill pop along and see what happens. Hopefully the days you all remember have not all passed.