Is SACD really better?

Posted by: Tim on 27 August 2001

I've heard people rave about SACD, throw away all your CDs etc. But does it really sound better? It strikes me as a difficult thing to test, since you can never compare like with like. Eg. if some particular recording sounds better on SACD, is it just that they made a better mastering job?

Has anyone been able to compare a known-excellent CD (maybe a DCC gold) with an SACD equivalent?

I'm fed up with digging out old LPs and finding they sound better than the latest supposedly super high fidelity CD remaster (two recent examples: Solid Air by John Martyn; Band on the Run by Wings). In both cases the original LPs sound better. Is SACD the answer?

I'm also hesitant because of the standards issue (ie. SACD might die). And there is DVDA to think about. But that's in the realm of prophecy, time will tell.


Posted on: 28 August 2001 by NigelP

I have been a vinyl junkie for years but got to hear some pretty good CD players coupled with good media. I tested the awersome Marantz top-of-the-range SA-CD player and compared with the CDX, CDS-II and the Linn CD12. The Marantz came in last in all respects (including SA-CD comparison with CD). The SA-CD media is not as good as the best-in-class CD but time will tell. I now believe that CD is inherently worse than LP because there is the trickery of recording the the right digital bitstream and then the challenge of getting it back. The Naim CD players get the information back with astonishing results and, in fact, I now have some CD's that are every bit as enjoyable as vinyl (Miles David "Kind of Blue", Songdog's latest and Dave Brubeck's "Time Out"). I now believe that the recording is one thing but the getting into the right coding on the CD is the other. This is why some CD's sound terrible even though the vinyl is pretty good. As for SA-CD, if it beats DVD-A (which is doubtful), then it will be as good as vinyl so long as they get that encoding right. That's my two-pence worth anyway. I didn't buy the SA-CD player because I, and others in this forum, believe that CD's around for a little longer anyway.


Posted on: 29 August 2001 by John Schmidt
I think the software will make or break any new format

A news item on the Stereophile site claims that Universal, one of the global heavy weights in music sales, have endorsed SACD rather than DVD-A. Time will tell if this actually leads anywhere.


John Schmidt
"90% of everything is crud" - Theodore Sturgeon

Posted on: 29 August 2001 by Manu
"I think SACD is much better than DVDA "

What makes you THINK that?
At that time it is difficult to be so affirmative.
There are so few title available on DVDA, and no good players for DVDA and no first class players for SACD.
My CDX sounds better than any SACD player i have tried (even the big SONY SACD1).

BUT it is not the fault of the new formats.
SACD or DVDA, whichever will win, will better CD when/if companies like Naim enter the market and labels release good recorded/produced disks.


Posted on: 31 August 2001 by Manu
No problems we agree. You say thinks in fewer words than me, english is not my primary langage.

My purpose was to make you explain why you think that. That's why i capitalized the word think, was it based on faith or, as it appear, based on serious listening.

So, you have answered my question. And i agree, on what i have listen to, SACD sounds better.
As John pointed, Universal Music Group, the bigger label owner has anounced the endorsement of SACD.
SONY and UMG in the SACD camp, the ball is on their side.

"If Sony and Philips as owners of the CD rights..."
One thing to consider is that their exclusive rights on CD patents expire very soon (don't remember exactely when), they can't impose anythink on the CD now.
This explain their fight to impose SACD, they want to continue to receive royalties.


[This message was edited by Manu on SATURDAY 01 September 2001 at 05:04.

[This message was edited by Manu on SATURDAY 01 September 2001 at 05:05.]