Nait 5 vs. 32.5/250 or 32.5/180
Posted by: Jude on 11 September 2002
I am currently putting together my first hi-fi syetem and need so advice. I currently have a Naim CD3.5, a Hi-Cap and a pair of B&W CDM 1NTs. I was planning on getting a Nait 5 with money my parents were going to give me, but I got to thinking that it would make more sense to use that money and buy some second hand Naim separates to get more bang for the buck. I spoke to the friend and he suggested a used 32.5/250 or 32.5/180. What do you all think about these two suggestions and what else would you suggest? The price range is around $1600-1700.
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by plynnplynn
I moved from a CD3.5/Nait 3 to a CD3.5/Flat/32.5/Hi/250 with very satisfying results -although I can still enjoy the Nait 3 sound.
I find the Nait 3 dynamic/exciting but the 32.5/Hi/250 is a clear winner - greater depth and more refined whilst retaining the Nait qualities.
Although I don't know the Nait 5 I suspect that the 32.5/Hi/250 is a much better route for you. I believe that the 250 also gives you greater upgrade potential.
I prefered the Hi on the 32.5 and the Flatcap on the CD3.5. I know others disagree but my listening tests resulted in that arrangement.
Posted on: 11 September 2002 by Phil Barry
Remember, you must have a powered preamp (Naim pre and PSU) to get sound out of a 250. The 180 can power a 32.5.
Posted on: 12 September 2002 by Eric Barry
Tough choice.
I have the following questions:
How much and how soon do you see upgrading, if at all?
How important is remote control?
Do you have any inclination to add a good source--I mean a turntable?
The Nait is good for set and forget. Your next upgrade would then be CDX. One remote for the system, just two boxes, nice. Adding phono would require a stagline for $275.
However, you could do something like CDX/32-5/110, and later add a hicap for a big jump. Lets say the CDX is $2300, the 32-5/110 $800, you get $1600 for the CD3.5/hi and add $1500 of your own money. Then you are set to add phono for free, and your next upgrade is a hicap, then you can move up the preamp ladder.
Or you could do CD3.5/hi/32-5/hi/110. The preamps really shine with a power supply (though the 180 has a better preamp supply than the 110/140, and I've never heard that). I think a 32-5/hi/110 will beat a Nait 5 for sound, but I've never compared directly. But of course you have added risk of failure (switches are old etc) and no remote. However I have heard CD5/hi/32-5 or 72/hi/250 extensively, and the CD5 struggles even with the hicap, so I think the previous option with the CDX is probably better.
You can get remarkably good performance out of the older separates for little money--42-5/snaps/110 is just terrific, for instance. I wonder how it compares to a Nait 5?
Posted on: 12 September 2002 by Bob Shedlock
Eric, CD 5 "struggles"?
Posted on: 13 September 2002 by Eric Barry
Bob, compared to vinyl, the CD5/hicap struggles. Great pace but the presentation is more forced and the sound is a bit piercing and edgy compared to vinyl. Bass is tighter and the sound is in some ways more defined. But in satisfaction, it struggles. Of course it sounds great and I enjoy my cds and all, but compared to a really good source, it struggles.
Posted on: 13 September 2002 by Bob Shedlock
"Compared to vinyl". Now I get it. I didn't from your first post. I personally think the CD5 is about all I'd ever want to spend on a digital front end. I've had tons more expensive digital gear and diminishing returns for MY satisfaction lies somewhere below the price of a CD5.
Granted, I've never been priviy to a nice long term listen to any of naim's higher priced front ends. Perhaps someone will set me straight with a competent in home listen ------
Posted on: 13 September 2002 by J.N.
If you're looking at a 32.5 - 180 type combo, you ought to try to hear a 112 - 150.
The new stuff sounds very different and only you will know which you prefer.
I presume you're over the pond; but my recently serviced and upgraded 32.5 - 160 may be up for grabs.
E-mail me if you wish to discuss further.