Nap 140 witn Epos 14

Posted by: Emil on 31 January 2001

Hi again,
Im trying to put together a system of used components. I came across a Nap 140 and a pair of Epos 14. I understand Epos & Naim get along very well in general but what about these two?

Thanks for your kindness,

Posted on: 01 February 2001 by Bosh
Used this combination for 6 many years in LP12/Ittok(then ARO)/Asaka (then Troika)/Lingo/62/(Hicap came later)140 / ES14.

Very satisfied with the ES14 which lasted me through 82 (1 then 2 hicaps) upgrade. They made way for the 250/SBL upgrade but are a well balanced combination