fantastic improvement for peanuts

Posted by: GC on 07 October 2002

i know a lot of people will scoff at this but here goes...... wink
ive got a fraim and over the last few months it has started to sound dire, so dire in fact i was thinking of getting all the boxes looked at and a upgrade from a 82 to a 52 did little to improve things and i somehow thought that my cdx/xps was damaged in some way - most of the time prefering to listen to my old meridian cd player through 102/180/hi and epos 14's. anyhow, the fraim had embedded itself into the wooden floor with the weight of all those olive boxes and the spikes must have been about 5mm into the floor.....grasping at straws i rang naim up and ordered some of those "fraim chips" nothing special about them (or so i beleive) they just sit underneath the spikes and prevent the previously mentioned embedding, anyhow, i pulled up each corner in turn and the missus (swearing and telling me thats its all in my head) popped one under each spike in turn. a few popped out balbearings later and it was time to turn it on......what a difference, the whole soundscape opened up, bass was multi layered and tuneful, the whole system has opened up and now is the tuneful rhythmic thing i had previously only dreamt of, now i really am happy with it - i reckon ive only just started to hear the difference that the last few upgrades have added to the system and if anybody else has a stand on a wooden floor then you need to get a few of these, its the least amount of money i think ive ever spent on the hifi and its probably the best ever!
btw the missus was gobsmacked and frog marched me down to the shops to buy a heap of new jazz cds so i guess we are both happy!
i reckon that the fraim has never ever worked at its full potential up until that point.
ps ask for three of them......naim sent me four for some strange reason!!
Posted on: 07 October 2002 by Mick P

Give your Missus a well earned treat, buy a Fraim.

You get good sound and she gets something decent to look at in the house.


Posted on: 09 October 2002 by Reto D
Hi altogether,

Are these Fraim Chips something like Linn Skeets?


CDX-XPS, NAC102, NAPSC, Hi-Cap, NAP 250, Naim Fraim, Chord Odysee 4, ProAc Response 2.5
Posted on: 09 October 2002 by Christopher
Are they available from Naim direct or from dealers only?
Posted on: 09 October 2002 by GC
not seen the linn skeets so cant comment on that - i bought mine direct from naim, just rang them up and they came the next day - very effiecient service, i asked my naim dealer for some originally when i bought the fraim but they didnt come then and i wanted to avoid going to the dealers as i always end up "just having a quick listen" to something ........ i ended up oweing him for a nat02 last time i did that! which is still in hiding as i cant let my missus know ive bought yet another box! can just imagine it now "you spent what on a f****** radio!" ; )