Hey, stand fetishists...

Posted by: Jez Quigley on 10 March 2001

There is an absolute orgy of stands at:
on the site click 'Club Keltik'. enjoy.

Caution is advised for Linn haters of a nervous disposition. smile

Posted on: 10 March 2001 by Andy Kirby
Sorry Mr Pig but I just moved away from Switzerland and in the 'Tidy Country' every appartment was pretty much the same, white walls, grey carpet or wood floors, big fines when you leave if they are not as they were when you moved in. It does all in fact does look like an Ikea catalog. Not to mention it being against the law to do your laundry on a Sunday. mad

Funny I never knew how badly under driven my NAP140/Sarahs were until I moved to the US and could crank it up for he first time in years. Have a 250 now and we are all much happier. big grin



Posted on: 10 March 2001 by Steve Toy
EVERY SINGLE HOME also looks like it's a page out of an Ikea catalogue.

Well, the website is not exactly English is it. Take note of the language it's in. Err, Swedish, I think, possibly Norwegian, which would explain the Scandinavian style of decor, which works well in Scandinavian countries. Note also the wall sockets - continental style! I wonder if Music Works make leads and blocks for continental type sockets!
As for the rugs on laminate - quite common across continental Europe. In southern Europe it's usually rugs on tiles. So what! Little Englander!
Posted on: 10 March 2001 by Chris Bell
If you are looking for more thrills check out this site:


Chris Bell

Posted on: 10 March 2001 by Mike Sae
Thanks for the link!

It seems Istanbul is a very round place.
Are there no Naim dealers there?

Posted on: 11 March 2001 by Thomas K
EVERY SINGLE ONE is on a laminate floor

They definitely look like real wood floors to me (sadly, they all seem to have a glossy varnish, which makes them look cheap).

against the law to do your laundry on a Sunday

In fact, in most German-speaking countries I think it’s even against the law to leave your laundry hanging on the lines on a Sunday (tsk tsk). Furthermore, it used to be an unwritten rule that one must clean the stairs and the pavement in front of one’s house on a Saturday – it has to be Saturday so that everyone can see you doing it. Same applies to the car, but I think that’s more or less universal.


Posted on: 11 March 2001 by Rico
Hmmm, not a wine bottle, Lava Lamp, or stash box in site!

I guess that ubiguitous timber furniture is their answer to Quadraspire? Does this mean that somewhere in Sweden drives Larry's doppelganger in a Volvo stationwagon?

Without revealing any in-depth upderstanding of the scottish interior designer's systems, anyone for Mullet-Systems?

Still, I shouldn't laugh - the decor in our rented pad would provide plenty of laugh-material for the chaps on that site!

And did anyone find even one fluted LP12 plinth? And no sign of Mana! Ooops, sorry - didn't mean to turn this into another mana thread. Hmmm - in the last photo there is evidence of deployment of the CK device - only he's left his aluminium case in the hallway. wink

Rico - all your base are belong to us.