Hey, stand fetishists...
Posted by: Jez Quigley on 10 March 2001
on the site click 'Club Keltik'. enjoy.
Caution is advised for Linn haters of a nervous disposition.

Funny I never knew how badly under driven my NAP140/Sarahs were until I moved to the US and could crank it up for he first time in years. Have a 250 now and we are all much happier.
EVERY SINGLE HOME also looks like it's a page out of an Ikea catalogue.
Well, the website is not exactly English is it. Take note of the language it's in. Err, Swedish, I think, possibly Norwegian, which would explain the Scandinavian style of decor, which works well in Scandinavian countries. Note also the wall sockets - continental style! I wonder if Music Works make leads and blocks for continental type sockets!
As for the rugs on laminate - quite common across continental Europe. In southern Europe it's usually rugs on tiles. So what! Little Englander!
Chris Bell
It seems Istanbul is a very round place.
Are there no Naim dealers there?
EVERY SINGLE ONE is on a laminate floor
They definitely look like real wood floors to me (sadly, they all seem to have a glossy varnish, which makes them look cheap).
against the law to do your laundry on a Sunday
In fact, in most German-speaking countries I think it’s even against the law to leave your laundry hanging on the lines on a Sunday (tsk tsk). Furthermore, it used to be an unwritten rule that one must clean the stairs and the pavement in front of one’s house on a Saturday – it has to be Saturday so that everyone can see you doing it. Same applies to the car, but I think that’s more or less universal.
I guess that ubiguitous timber furniture is their answer to Quadraspire? Does this mean that somewhere in Sweden drives Larry's doppelganger in a Volvo stationwagon?
Without revealing any in-depth upderstanding of the scottish interior designer's systems, anyone for Mullet-Systems?
Still, I shouldn't laugh - the decor in our rented pad would provide plenty of laugh-material for the chaps on that site!
And did anyone find even one fluted LP12 plinth? And no sign of Mana! Ooops, sorry - didn't mean to turn this into another mana thread. Hmmm - in the last photo there is evidence of deployment of the CK device - only he's left his aluminium case in the hallway.
Rico - all your base are belong to us.