Full Rack (Ordering)

Posted by: Naheed on 26 July 2002

Some new additions have left my 6 Tier Rack - jam packed > as follows.


Question is, is this optimal - to me the worry is to the 82 and Snaxo from p/supply interference, or is keeping the hicap there a good trade-off, given the others all have bigger transformers.

Additionally is the Snaxo as sensitive as NACs to p/supplies ?

active Phase 4 SBLs is the only way...
Posted on: 26 July 2002 by Phil Barry
I owuld think that the PS of the 140 is 'smaller' than either the CDPS or the S'cap.

NANA's rec to me was CDS/82/tuner/250/hi hi/CDPS.

Posted on: 26 July 2002 by Naheed
No problems David...

Phil - sounds logical, unfortunately my rack is around 2ft off the floor (Mana Soundstages), and with the 140s on the bottom shelf I've just enough NACA5 to reach my SBLs

active Phase 4 SBLs is the only way...