Rega Planar 3

Posted by: plynnplynn on 30 March 2002

Anyone got any suggestions for a replacement cartridge for my Rega Planar 3?
Posted on: 30 March 2002 by dvdkeogh

First of all, what cartrdge do you currently run? If it is a Rega, and you're not sure which one, what colour is it?

And, I know everbody hates replies that seem off the topic and costly, but have you thought about uprgrading your Planar 3's motor assembly to that of the P3. It really does pay dividends for, I think, about £80... (in case you dont need a new cartidge urgently wink)


Posted on: 30 March 2002 by Justin
I like the Ortofon MC-25FL on the P3. I also like the Denon 103 series on the P3. I don't like the Rega carts much at all.


Posted on: 31 March 2002 by Lo Fi Si
Dynavector carts seem to work well with the Planar 3. The 10x Gold I currently have is, IMO, an improvement over the Elys I had previously. The 10x4 is obviously an option.
As has been mentioned above, the motor upgrade is also worthwhile.


Posted on: 31 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Thanks to contributors. Three points in response:
1 I have a K9 at present (MM I think).
2 I was hoping that someone might discuss moving coil vs moving magnet.
3 I am actively thinking about Origin Live upgrades.
Posted on: 31 March 2002 by plynnplynn
Thanks Rob - I will check out your suggestions and website.
Posted on: 31 March 2002 by garth
Dear Rob et. al.,

Could you describe the sound of the denon cartridge? I have a rega 3/32.5/90/ninka system and I suspect the K9 cartridge is nearing the end of its life. In what ways would it sound different than the K9 in my system? I sometimes feel that my system -more likely room- sounds a little too live or wet and might prefer a little drier sound. I also think I would enjoy a firmer more articulate and propulsive bass. I have MM and MC boards. Any other suggestions? Twins to arrive any day so financial constraints are pretty serious right now. The Denon certainly seems the right price. A few years ago I recall a Vancouver Naim dealer going on about an inexpensive Denon cartridge that I remember him describing as musical and fun but nothing more specific.

Thanks for any additional input you or others from the forum can provide.



Posted on: 01 April 2002 by plynnplynn
Found the following comments at:

The Rega arm tends to favour warm cartridges which avoid a lean bass. The top cartridges we recommend are the moving magnet Goldring 1042 at 140 GBP and the high output moving coil Dynavector DV10X4 II at 199 GBP (which is a truly superb cartridge in the Rega arm. The next step up is the Dynavector DV20X at 299 GBP).

Rega cartridges - Tend to work well with Rega decks but can sound dull on other makes.


Posted on: 02 April 2002 by Greg Beatty
...the Denon on an LP12?

My K18II may be long in the tooth and Vinyl is a secondary source for me even though it is the best source - by far - in the house.

Basik LP12/K18II/Akito

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 02 April 2002 by garth
Dear Rob,

Thanks so much for your reply and input. Sounds like I should set myself up with the Denon cartridge. Although I do find my system a bit wet/live I highly suspect that is my room and trying to correct with a drier sounding cartridge is probably not the way to go about.

As an aside, I would like to say that, as a newbie, this forum is a terrific source of support and info for folks like me and all of you audio veterans are very helpful and supportive. I probably don't know how limited the K9 is as I have so little experience with decent cartridges. Suspect I am in for a treat when I replace it.

Many Thanks,
Garth p