CDS - On the Level

Posted by: Naheed on 06 August 2002

Decided to level my cds spindle yesterday (as opposed to relative to the casing)
Took some messing around - as to my shock I discovered I hadn't actually levelled the main rack...

Anyway I wasn't really expecting any improvement - though after a quick listen I believe the improvement was very apparent (more solid imaging) - but the best surprise was that a number of discs that the cds had trouble reading (one is VERY badly scratched), can now be read with ease (no mechanism clonk), even the scratched disc can be read (some tracks still require a number of attempts though).

How's everyone else level there's case/spindle ?

active Phase 4 SBLs is the only way...
Posted on: 06 August 2002 by Naheed
Its not hard to do (you just need a small spirit level) - give it a try, and you tell me wink

I reckon its a noticable improvement, and a bonus to prolong my nextel ring life.

active Phase 4 SBLs is the only way...
Posted on: 06 August 2002 by Derek Wright
by levelling the CDS spindle

Thanks for any info

Posted on: 07 August 2002 by Naheed
Normally with Mana I level the rack, and then tune/level each shelf (not sure if the likes of Nutter/Laim/Plod allow individual shelf levelling).
Someone mentioned that it maybe worth actually levelling the cds - using the spindle as the reference.

By the spindle - I basically mean where the puck normally sits, you'll need a small light spirit level place this directly on the spindle and start levelling from there - mate it makes a huge difference to the tunes (more dynamic and forceful, especially transients) and the tracking noise has gone and all that remains is a quite swishing sound.

I reckon its more important to level relative to the spindle - as this is doing the real work, and being off-centre probably causes more effort (error correction, dithering and all that nasty stuff)...

Maybe this is only a problem where shims are used ?
And when I think of all your suckers who prematurely upgraded to the cds2 - when maybe all that was required was spindle levelling.

active Phase 4 SBLs is the only way...
Posted on: 07 August 2002 by Derek Wright