NAC 92 Or NAC 72 in secondary system.

Posted by: Robbie on 19 September 2001

Will a nac 92,wich I can buy for 200 pounds,be much better than my old 42 in my second system.Or should I go for a 5 yrs. old nac 72 for 350 pounds.
They will partner with a NAP 110,wich was my first Naim amp and therefore never sell.

Thanks already,Rob.

Posted on: 19 September 2001 by Mike Hanson
Is that a 42.5 or a 42? For me, the 92 is better than the 42, but not really worth an upgrade from a 42.5 (unless you're hankering after a remote).

In contrast, the 72 is a whole lot better than all of them. If you can afford it, I would go for it.

There is one other thing to consider. Some say that the 72 doesn't please them without an external power supply like a Hi-Cap or SNAPS, although I don't agree with them myself. You might want to keep this in mind, since might be one of "them". wink

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 19 September 2001 by Phil Barry
I doubt the only way the 92 would be much better than the 42 is if the 42 needs a recapping. OTOH, you can buy the 92 and sell the 42....

I don't see how people can listen to a 72 without a *cap, unless you listen only to audiophile quality sources (which leaves not much music to hear).

How about upgarding the 42 to 42.5 status and buying aused hicap? or just grecapping the 42 and getting a SNAPS?
