Evil 500...

Posted by: Roland Huu on 24 January 2002

I was presented with a last minute opportunity last night to listen to an SBL and 500 eval. Had to thank our host who was considering the 500s.

His current setup is 52,4x135s,CDS II, NAT02, Roksan Xerxes X with Aro arm & SBL. All equipment on 2 Fraim tower. Have heard his system before and was impressed with the effortless presentation.

The evening had already started when I arrived, 2x500 powered up and playing. Sat down and listened. The 500s are well run in as they
belong to someone else who was kind enough to lend our host for a week.
The 'active' setup was already miles ahead of 4x135s. The shock came about 20 mins later...
One 500 switched off!!! It was a single passive 500 playing all this time when I was lead to believe it was an active set up. I didn't check
the the 2 NACA5 to each speaker and Snaxo was on!! SBL was impressive to say the least.
My jaw really dropped.... now that I've heard it myself I can agree with the folks when they say 1x500 beat the 4x135s.

One hour into to the listening session and a few glasses of wine. We decided to set up the true active 2x500s for the SBL. After 15 mins of shuffling cable and stuff we were ready again...

Blew me away!!!! Totally fluid music & things really opened up... the SBLs were really rocking and nothing was held back. Some of the guys will be going back to listen again tomorrow when the 2x500 settles in a little more to hear how and if the SBL will still do it.

I could seriously lived with the passive 500 but the active config with SBL was really something else. I'm almost certain our host will bite the
bullet and go active 500. There was nothing wrong with passive 500 but he's going active with the 500 (I think). He was really smilingI think
he will have withdrawal syndrome when the 500s goes back.

BTW, lender has active 500s driving DBLs.

Conclusion: Yes the 500 is that good and I would certainly go for it if I had the money. Active 500s is a scary proposition!!
This stuff is bad for health and pocket.

To Naim... congratulations on the 500. If our host goes for the 500 you'll have to prepare a 552 ready to be shipped to SG!! Perhaps he may even fly to UK and carry it back himself!!

To Paul Darwin... I'm convinced now by the 500's electronics.

Just thought I share my evening with some wonderful music, wine and company.


Posted on: 24 January 2002 by Scott Mckenzie
The guy clearly has too much disposable income....i can quite imagine it soun ding rather good though...active DBL's was something else!!


Posted on: 24 January 2002 by ken c
active operation, with compatible eletronics and sources is really something else. i have now lived with a much humbler system with 2x250's and i can share some of your enthusiam for the active 500's.

i have been doing the following sum many many times, on the train, in bed, in the loo, etc etc...

New(500) - TradeIn (2x250, 1xSupercap, 1xSNAXO) = #N/A

thanks for your report... i might post an update on my active 250/sbl system sometime soon.


ps: sometimes, when i am really mad, something called Fraim enters the equation too. sad, isnt it??

Posted on: 24 January 2002 by Martin Payne
A friend borrowed our local shop's demo NAP500 over Christmas.

It took well over a week to sound it's best.

cheers, Martin