Significant sonic differences in hi cap vintages ?

Posted by: Bob Shedlock on 10 August 2002

Can anyone tell me if there are noteworthy differences in the sound of older and newer hi caps?
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by herm
Ca depend what you mean, Bob. If you're asking 'is there a difference between a ten year old HC and a brand new one, in what it adds to the sound?' then the answer is yes.

Eight years old and later a HC does less and less for the sound, needing to be recapped. Back from the recap service though it is as good as a new one.

This, obviously, is especially significant if you use two HCs on an 82. These need to be of a fairly similar vintage / recap history.

Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Bob Shedlock
does a recapped older vintage have different sonics than a new one?
Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Mick P

I had a 1986 Hicap serviced by Naim about 2 years ago.

I have it connected to a CD3.5 because it gives a slightly softer sound than if I connect up the new Hicap which is now connected to the 32.5.

Mark Raggett of Naim service dept suggested that the older gear has a slightly softer sound.

The same applies to older 250's and 135's.


Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Mick Parry:
Mark Raggett of Naim service dept suggested that the older gear has a slightly softer sound.


agreed, I also discussed this with him, and it is down mainly to differences in the brand of transformer used.

To clear this up, does anyone know when the Holden & Fisher trannys were discontinued?

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 12 August 2002 by JohanR
I bought a new HiCap recently together with a Headline. Yes, it sounded differently to my ca 9 years old (and not serviced) one when connected to the 82. So, Herman is correct, one can't double HiCaping without getting different sound from the channels.

I haven't checked the transformer makes inside. And, yes, the older one sounds softer, but that's probably mostly the older caps (?).

Posted on: 13 August 2002 by greeny
I have an old one (15 years) and a new ish one (3 years) I have had the old one serviced and can tell no differance between the two. I have them both on an 82. But swapping one to the other I can tell no differance.