Fraim Questions

Posted by: Paul B on 06 May 2001

I am looking forward to seeing/hearing the Fraim (hopefully in June) and now have it under serious consideration. However I have some questions so I thought I would start a new thread as the other was getting rather long:

- How does an LP12 perform on the Fraim?

- Can one successfully use a three-tier Fraim say with 52 - Supercap - 250 (in descending order) or will the proximity of the 52 to the Supercap or 250 be a problem thus requiring a second Fraim for the 52?

- What are the dimensions of the Fraim? It looks quite large (has this been posted elsewhere)?

It may take some time before information starts to filter through as it has in the other thread.

I certainly hope that Chris Koster will post his findings shortly and Dave Dever will continue to do so.


Posted on: 06 May 2001 by rohit
naim uk site has dimensions and diagrams.
look under product/accessories/fraim.

in fact..
one of the figures even shows a lil extra on the top glass...praps a mana spirit level...

Posted on: 06 May 2001 by David Dever
Last I checked, a four-tier (five shelf) Fraim stands about 30" tall, about 26" wide and about 18" deep.

As indicated before, the photographs incorporating the Series 5 components make the Fraim seem slightly larger (taller) than it is in the flesh.

I would imagine that the usual placement concerns still apply regarding power supplies, though the spacing between supplies seems to be fine with the standard shelf spacing.

No, we haven't tried it with an LP12--we don't, I'm afraid, have one at the office anymore. Will let you know once I get my hands on taller-height spacers,

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 07 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
"Will let you know once I get my hands on taller-height spacers"
I would not use the larger spaced level for source components. Single levels to desired height is best. We found 3 levels to perform best, lower levels unloaded when used as cd player or t/table support only.
Posted on: 07 May 2001 by Alex S.

"We found 3 levels to perform best, lower levels unloaded when used as cd player or t/table support only."

Are you saying here that if I want my LP12 and CDX to sound at their best I should locate each one on the top of a 3 level rack with the lower levels unloaded?

Posted on: 07 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
"I should locate each one on the top of a 3 level rack with the lower levels unloaded?"

This is the best performance we have found to date, this applies to almost all racks we have tried. Space and finacial considerations will be the deciding factor. In my home system I will have the CDS and 52 head unit on one stand with a space between them.

Posted on: 07 May 2001 by Alex S.
Thanks for you reply Paul.

After trawling the forum I lean towards doing the following, supportwise:

1. Buying Mana for LP12.

2. Buying single level Fraim for CDX

3. Using old Sound Org table with Base01 for Lingo and maybe napsc - do they interfere with each other?

4. Using 5 tier Sound Org Table (with Base01s) for 82, CDPS, 250, 250, 2 Hi-Caps in any recommended order.

Not sure how much of that config I'll be able to audition b4 purchase but it seems sensible and cost-effective.

Any comments?


Posted on: 07 May 2001 by David Ng
Has anyone heard of the Particular (Hope I got the name correct) rack? My dealer was demonstrating active nbls with 3 x nap 500. All source, amplifiers, snaxos etc. were on the rack. It seems to work well with naim and to my ears, the highs and mids sound very good, with a lot of details. On one of the slow jazz number, I swear I could almost see the hi-hat shimmering...

Or could it be that the combined amplification of the system costs nearly 100 grand? razz

david ng

[This message was edited by David Ng on MONDAY 07 May 2001 at 14:34.]

Posted on: 07 May 2001 by David Dever
Will let you know once I get my hands on taller-height spacers

so that I can put the cat on top!

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 08 May 2001 by Alex S.
Paul S's research shows "3 levels to perform best, lower levels unloaded when used as cd player or t/table support only."

So my earlier quibbles pale as I consider what would be best for my system:

1. Use top of 3 level Fraim for CDX = 1100UKP
2. Use top and bottom of 3 level Fraim for LP12 + Lingo = 1100UKP
3. Use top, & bottom of 3 level Fraim (with space in between) for 82, CDPS = 1100UKP.
4. Use top and bottom of 3 level Fraim for 2 250s = 1100UKP
5. Use top and bottom of 3 level Fraim for 2 Hi-Caps = 1100UKP

WoW! - That's 5500UKP - and I still haven't put the NAPSC or the tape deck anywhere yet. eek

Posted on: 09 May 2001 by Derek Wright
Your proposed layout that involved 5 towers of Fraim will be 3.21 metres wide plus gaps between the towers

Not a small room combination

Derek W

Posted on: 12 May 2001 by Arye_Gur
Alex s,

There is a famous mortgage bank in Israel.
They like music and Naim, and they suggest mortgage with good terms for buying Fraim.
They take as a bail houses (like Mike's at the least ) or cars (no less than Mercedes 500).

Do you want their address ?

Seriously for a second, I found that the cost of Base star here in Israel is the same as the estimated price of the Fraim.
What do you think ? For my eyes, the Fraim is much
more beatiful than the Base.


Posted on: 13 May 2001 by Alex S.
Joking apart,

System, LP12 etc, CDX/CDPS, 82/2HCs, 2 250s

I have been advised elsewhere in this forum to trade in Hi-caps and one 250 for a Supercap.

This would help the system and save £600 in Fraim - nice. The 135s may have to wait.

ps sold tape deck for £10 and gave away all tapes - another £300 saved!

Posted on: 13 May 2001 by Arye_Gur
Can you imagine how much money you can save if you will buy a mini system ?

If we will adopt the logic of the Mana fans,
(And they are known as logical persons), a mini system on a top of three shelves Naim with two unloaded first shelves will outperform your present system.
I'm affraid Naim will want to forget about the great new Fraim !
Paul, Paul and Paul, maybe you have to rethink about manufacturing the Friam ?

Arye razz