More stands again?
Posted by: Dev B on 30 January 2001
We all know that are so many variables that constitute good sound (rooms, speakers, etc) yet we still talk about the same thing.
I think that a good 45rpm recording on a top flight record player makes a bigger sonic difference than anything else out there, and all this stuff around stands is such nerdy pap.
Sorry I just had to say my bit.
Over and out
- "Source First" is/isn't more important than "System Balance".
- Naim's external power supplies are really helpful.
- A 102 is/isn't better than a 72.
- Mullet systems are silly/classic.
- Naim's CD players are really good.
- Use Naim's interconnects; the black ones are best.
- Use Naim's speaker cable; make sure that it's at least 3.5 metres.
- Credos and SBLs do/don't sound thin, or maybe it's just bad setup.
- Lots of speakers go good with Naim electronics, especially Royd, Linn, Neat, and a bunch of others.
- Older Linn speakers (e.g. Kans) are better than the newer ones (e.g. Tukans).
- My room sounded bad/good, but now it's good/bad.
- My power is sometimes poor; getting a dedicated spur will help, but won't perfect it.
- Using power line conditioners, regenerators and other such devices negate many of Naim's best qualities.
- I'm trying to decide on a stand (since I've already bought the electronics and speakers).
Have I missed anything? I guess since we've covered all of the earlier topics, we're stalled on the last one. Oh well...
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Dev this may scare you but you have become my hifi guru. I agree with everything you say and am guided by your wisdom.e
Are you saying that the forum has discussed everything that needs to be and/or will ever be discussed? That we have no more reason for existing?
How wrong you are! New topics are bound to arise soon: 112 vs 72/92/102 (and my personal favorite, 42x vs. 62 vs 92x); 150 vs 140 vs 180....
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
besides, i suspect naim are so totally fed up with this subject that they have now finally decided to make their own stand(s), which, like NACA5, will be an integral part of a naim system... well, i am allowed to dream, aint i? i will now hide under my desk...
I know I need better stands in my system, but I'm too much of a tight git to pay out reall money for them (I need at least 16 layers).
Mana doesn't seem to be for me.
Now, if between us we can work out a 'complete theory of stands' maybe I could build something cheap myself. (Save money for more boxes - a sort of reverse Mana approach).
Vuk seemed to be aiming for the tag of 'Einstein' among us, but now seems to have sold out to the angle-iron. Ah, well.
cheers, Martin
Dev, I think a good room makes bigger differences.
Since I leave my current dwelling shortly, I was forced the Hifi room into the original status to shift.
The wall to the other dwelling had to be sound-isolated additionally.
I can insure you that 2*Nap135 SBLs sounded beforehand better than now 1*NAP500 SBLs.
The wall is now a vibrating wall, it sounds now like a CD at a dealer demo.
Source: LP12,Armageddon,Aro,Ortofon Status (the best cartidge Ortofon has ever build)
Prefix powered by SCap/ Stands Linke Pyramide. The source costs 1.5 times more than
a CDS2 in Germany (and I think it is 1.5 times better).
Nice to hear from you again.
>>>I think a good room makes bigger differences
I completely agree with you. At my dealer, he makes a very good sound with quite simple Naim systems (CD5, Nait5)
My room is quite good acoustically now but it is too small for my SBLs (15ft x 11ft), but I will be moving to London in the middle of the year and will be looking for more space.
>>>>The source costs 1.5 times more than
a CDS2 in Germany (and I think it is 1.5 times better).
Have you tried the Well Tempered turntable?, in the UK it is the approximately the same price as the CDS2 (without stands) and think it sounds 1.5 times better than my old LP12, Aro, Armaggedon, but I think with your stands and cartridge and supercapped prefix, your record player must be sounding magnificent.
I also had the Phonosophie P3, Aro, Naim P3 powersupply for a while and I thought it was faster and more detailed than the LP12, but it needed careful cartridge matching (i.e a warmish catridge) otherwise it would be too exciting - perhaps the new owner would like to comment!
The only other two turntables that interest me are the Simon Yorke or the Rockport Capella 2 (desgined by Andy Payor, who also designed the Well Tempered Arm). When I move to London I will definately audition them both, because I am really surprised at how much of a difference a better record plaer made to my system.
best regards.
If you are in the market for cheap good quality stands, then the new Audiotech stands may be your answer.
Email me for any contact information and details you may wish.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
You may already have tried this in your "travels", but I think Touraj should have a plug here as he is such an unrelentingly manic vinyl addict. Probably works well with an Aro…
(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
I've heard about this beast, have you got a webby link with pics by any chance? I have always liked Roxys but it's certainly worth checking out. I would imagine it would work really well with an Aro, the Xerxes X/Aro combo sounded really good last time I heard it.
The next thing I am going to do on the Well Tempered is to look at the power supply side of things - it seems pretty straightforward to doctor the motor connections to accept some kind of Armageddon or Naim P3 type of device. I need to check the specs of the motor - does anyone know?
all the best
Dev (not a stand evangelist)
You don't have to have a top flying deck.
Buy a huge tower of Mana, assemble it, put a record on the upper shelf - and the table will sing.
To improve sound as the best upgrade ever made, add more shelves and tables, the sky (okay, for this manner the roof) is the limit.
Anyway, yes I e-mailed Mana for suggestions of how they would suggest housing my system. Damian (the Mana guy) was extremely measured, calm and did not preach. Amongst the other gubbins, they recommended DBL sound stages (or bases, whatever)which cost £300. They said they'd improve areas in which DBLs are pre-eminant (ability to play quietly with detail, bass level and start/stop ability) so I was intrigued.
Trevor, you seem to be angling for a victim to pick up a DBL while you put a Sound Base under them? Can I suggest a Chiropractor too.
PS I can still hear. My dalliance with a SPL meter suggested that I am in fact a wuss when it comes to volume.
PPS I don't have any Mana. I'm one of those wild and crazy people that balances the need for racks against either an equipment upgrade or new music. Normally the latter wins. I do need a new rack though (I've filled the old) and the Manas have never been called crap, and if I didn't like it I can sell it. I might give the Sound Stages a go. Dunno. See what I feel like at the time.
[This message was edited by Martin M on THURSDAY 01 February 2001 at 13:44.]
I've also conditioned her with 2 years of 801 ownership. The 'daleks' as she called them make DBLs look like very essence of discrete, being 60 cm deep and needing a metre of space behind them. After that the DBLs are welcome.
Anyway, the DBLs arrival coincides with a move to more spacious pad. They will be placed in the basement which is about 37ft by 21 ft, this will be my den.
PS Anyone know where to buy cool pictures of musicians strumming, plucking, screaming and/or taking drugs etc? I need some deceration.
"have you tried the Well Tempered turntable?"
Sorry, there is no dealer here. I have from 1976 since 1993 the 5. LP12. They sound all different. But A LP12 on the Linke Pyramide is not comparable to other LP12s.
The better the stand and setup the longer will the subchassis oszilate if one blows on the plate. In my setup the LP12 oszilates for 34 sec. My dealer nearly fell over backwards! I have show it Mathias,too. Additional I have replaced the feet of LP12 by self made beech feet.
By the way, the board on the bottom of the LP12 (hold by the feet) will destroy all improvement. I think every development of an LP12 must start with an Armageddon and the removing of that board.
best regards.
Aint it something like "Mana forum" ?
Or maybe it is a dream of mine ?
Or maybe the people in "Mana forum" are not "in"
or are not smart enough or - you name (Naim ?)it - so it is better to post about Mana in the Naim forum ?
Explain it to me - just for my curiosity. I agree with you that no one has to read a thread he doesn't like - but I think that all the Mana fans
are suffering of a great great great insecure
You are not trying to prove to the world again and agin and again .... That something is good if you are sure in your heart that this thing is REALY good.
Can you name a fault or two of Mana stands ?
There are members here who think that the too many threads about Mana is a pest.
I'm not intead to be a pest, I say what I think and I do it my way - like you do it yours.
quoting you
you are still a little boy when it comes to making a decision, taking a risk (which life is full of) and buying stand.
I'll not argue with you about the risk in life when it comes to stand buying...
I trust Paul Stephenson in the stereo area because he proved to me that the firm he runs can produce a hi quality stereo systems - with all the respect to you (and believe it or not I have a respect to you in the Hi Fi field) you didn't manufactured yet a strereo system and I guess there are a thing or two you can learn from Paul Stephenson.
I admit that I don't like the fact that you ignore me - but I can live with it.
Talking about facts of life - be aware that not all the people around you have to agree with you -
ignoring them is not the right way to act - that is what I think.
Vuk an "authority?" My mind boggles, but at least I now know you have a TERRIFIC sense of humor !
Ride the Light !l
Thank you. The room was just a result of a bit of luck!
The rest of the kit is Audio Synthesis Trascend/DAX-2/52&135s and LP12/Aro/Geddon/XX-1L. It all works a treat, provides me and my wife with hours of entertainment and no paranoia (is it working at it peak etc)at all. PS I might buy a Mana stands for the system. Ah hem...
I thought a lot if to answer your last post to Ross, I can quote many of your answers to members here - ansewrs that are painting you in a very patronizing way about people who don't think the way you do (how silly they are).
But the best idea is that you'll keep ignoring me.
I do what I feel I like to do.
"On the Mana forum, everyone already owns bloody Mana stands"
Vuk, well actually I use those rather nice Hutter stands & still hang out on the Mana forum. I guess this makes me a black sheep ;-)