Better PS goes where

Posted by: Dr. Exotica on 12 December 2001

I am looking for some insight regarding where to position the better of two power supplies (a dual railed SNAPS and a Hi-Cap). I am in the midst of purchasing a second-hand CD3.5 (replacing a Rotel RCD-950) to go along with a 32.5/Hi/110/LP12 setup. I also have a SNAPS that I was initially planning on selling, but I have come to the conclusion that the audio value that it would add to the system would probably exceed the modest amount of cash that it could be sold for.

My question is - given a Hi-Cap and a SNAPS, which do you attach to the 32.5, and which to the CD3.5? I am sure that there is some well-founded flat-earth theory which guides the assignment of power supplies in these circumstances.

One other salient point - I love my LP12. I am quite lazy however and for average day to day listening, I will typically play the CDP. On weeekends, or other times when I have the desire, the LP12 is spinning.

Thanks for any insight.


Posted on: 12 December 2001 by Mike Sae
Congrats on your 3.5

Is a dualrailed Snaps better than a Flatcap? If so, my vote is for the Snaps on the 3.5 and the Hicap on your 32.5

Posted on: 13 December 2001 by Mike Hanson
If you have two supplies, the better supply should go on the pre-amp. The 3.5 gets a good boost from a SNAPS, but doesn't get hugely better with a Hi-Cap. In contrast, a pre-amp with a Hi-Cap is a whole lot better than a pre-amp with a SNAPS.

I used to have 3.5/Hi/102/Flat/NAPSC/140. When I switched it to 3.5/Flat/102/Hi/NAPSC/140, the overall performance was distinctly improved.

It seems that Naim agrees with this synopsis. If you have the new 5-series Flat-Cap2, which provides both a primary and secondary supply, Naim recommends that you use the primary supply on the pre-amp, and the secondary on the CD5.

BTW, a SNAPS and the old Flat-Cap are quite similar. The Flat-Cap is a bit quieter and more detailed, but the SNAPS has a bit better "boogie factor".

Finally, for those who have only a single power supply, I would put it on the 3.5.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-