Congratulations Naim on the SL-2 Loudspeaker

Posted by: Rico on 13 September 2002

I was lucky enough to get a listen today to the production SL-2. One needs to wait for production kit down this end of the world, as shows featuring manufactuers prototypes and pre-prod kit are not a common thing down here.

So, the SL-2. Amazing. Beautiful furniture, too! I have some pix in the digicam, will get them posted onto this thread in the next 24 hours so those who've not seen them in the flesh can drool some more. The pair in question were Rosewood, which I'm sure will give some a woodie. Ok, bad jokes aside, these speakers are a major step forward from the SBL, musically and visually.

Attention to detail, fit and finish - enough to make most car manufacturers blush. And on top of it all they sound great, right out of the box! Wonder how they'll sound all run in!

Well done Naim - a real winner IMHO.

Now, I'd better scoot and buy a Lotto ticket.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 13 September 2002 by Steve Toy
The SL2s sound great in the context of CDS2/552/500 system on Fraim. That's how I heard them at the Bristol Show earlier this year, and for the first time for me, a Naim system sounded listenable-to at a hi-fi show.



It's just a pleasure to hear music as it was intended to be heard.
Posted on: 13 September 2002 by connon price
... For improving on my favorite speaker. I couldn't imagine it until I heard it. And that was on my cd3/72/scap/250. Maybe it shows my lack of imagination.

Posted on: 14 September 2002 by garyi
Mr Toy what are you dribbling on about?
Posted on: 14 September 2002 by Steve Toy
I am used to hearing Naim systems sounding crap at shows. This was a very noteable exception. Also, speakers have to be considered in the context of a whole system because for some unknown reason, they don't work by themselves. big grin



It's just a pleasure to hear music as it was intended to be heard.
Posted on: 14 September 2002 by Rico
what the fuck has that got to do with what one would spend ones lottery winnings on?

Good "dog" man, sort it out. Buy whatever stuff from whatever part of the EU you must - but please, don't bring show-sound judgements into the ultinate evaluation. That is, if you're considering spending more than the national average wage, and evaluating this on the sound that you hear at a hifi show, you clearly need to either to
    visit your
  • physician or your
  • decent hifi dealer.
nothing in the mid-ground will do.


Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin
Posted on: 16 September 2002 by Rico
Yes, errr well.... red face red face red face

Not that the previous post added anything to the tone of this forum (sorry), what I actually inteded to post was these (now they're liberated form the camera).

So anyway, these might convey some of the curves, finish etc of the SL-2.

And then, spotted in the wild...

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 16 September 2002 by connon price
Damn, those are fine lookin' speaks. are those yours?

Posted on: 17 September 2002 by Rico
Are they mine? Nah, I buy on looks, see - and they're not black. razz

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio