Indoor aerials

Posted by: Rockingdoc on 18 June 2001

Does anyone know of a decent indoor tuner aerial,i.e. one that can be lived with in the room as opposed to the loft? I am having no success with the ribbon-cable types.
Posted on: 18 June 2001 by Phil Barry
Magnum Dynalab SG2 (?) an Fanfare make whip antennas thay work inside and outside - inobtrusive and effective when multipath is not a problem. I use the Magnum; I'm 10 miles form the transmitter, and I get very good sound from my FM tuner - when there's good programming.


Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
Many thanks for your reply.
I'm on the top of a hill and have an unobstucted view of Wrotham, so the signal should be melting my inputs.. That's why I thought an indoor might do. I have tried a circular omnidirectional with poor results.
I will certainly try the DIY route too.
I really want a Naim 01 but results with my Leak and Quad FM3 are so poor that I can't make the leap of faith, as a home dem seems unavailable.
Also, does anyone know whether digital (DAB) would make an expensive analogue tuner an unwise buy now. I'd be interested to know how much Naims sales of the 01 have dropped.

[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on TUESDAY 19 June 2001 at 09:49.]

[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on TUESDAY 19 June 2001 at 09:50.]

Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

I use a aerial made from cooking foil its a 4'3" square made from 11 or 12" wide foil one side leave a 1" gap and connect the coax across the gap works very well.


Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
Mad Pete
Is this stuck on your window or pasted under your wallpaper?????
Must invite a few comments from visitors, I suppose you do get visiting time?
I'm still going to try it. Did you just fold over the corners to keep the foil intact, or is it cut and stuck together somehow?
Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

Its up in the loft so no one can see it smile but you could wallpaper over it.


Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Andrew Randle
but you could wallpaper over it.

Wouldn't that affect the VSWR? wink


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

I wondered why my reception got worse when I papered over it with foil backed wallpaper


Posted on: 19 June 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
The circular omni'e are lossy when compared to a dipole - the folding reduces gain by approx. 3dB.

I'd try a straight dipole, or just a simple 2 element if you can.

The other problem can be too much signal - my NAD402 needs attenuation as without it one can hear distortion, even though it's fully quieting.

Try fulling the antenna plug from the tuner so the center loses contact , with the outer still made - you may find an improvement. In this case an attenuator may help.

The circular omni's are worse in this respect since they pick up more multipath, which is often a bigger problem than signal strength.

The other thing to try is rotating the circular antenna still make a difference, their receive pattern isn't even.

Andy (G7KPT).

P.S. use good cable, the satellite types (CTxxx) with double screening (foil and braid) are best.

Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
The "magic-eye" signal strength indicator on my Leak does not have the bars touching when set on "Distant", and they separate quite a bit on "Local" (attenuated). The hiss and tinny tinge to voices that I object to increases when I switch on the attenuation, so I assumed low signal strength was the problem. I also get other noises on BBC Radio 3, which I think are "birdies".
The stereo decoder which was fitted to the Leak by Graham Tricker (600 GBP, including full overhaul ) gradually changes from stereo to mono if the signal fades, like the Naim I think.

[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on FRIDAY 22 June 2001 at 10:36.]

Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
and another thing...
I was in a high-end Kentish emporium yesterday asking if they had any exotic tuners I could dem. (not my usual home dealer). They said they weren't bothering with FM tuners any more as "It was being switched off in five years". They offered to get in a DAB/FM hybrid for me to hear, but admitted that it was crap because of the poor digital source. mad
Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
So the switch-off of FM depends on the number of DAB sets sold? This suggests that people should be advised to avoid buying DAB receivers until/unless it ever betters FM.
Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know

Check this out!!!!!!!

Its enough to make you cry, they seem to have F**ked it up big time, again!!!.


Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Martin Clark
from Pete's link:

The problem will not be easy to cure: broadcasters must either take much more care in producing their digital radio programmes, reduce the number of channels they transmit, or change the transmission standard.

For shame!
Any one of these will do and all three would be marvellous.

Reading onward we learn that 'most people can't hear a 15Khz bandwidth' nd s th problm is bsclly dwn t lssy cmprssn.


Posted on: 22 June 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
I've been arguing for some time, irrespective of the merits of the system theoretically, that the commercial pressures on DAB will most likely result in poorer quality.

I have been told that the BBC promise never to apply dynamic range compression to their digital broadcasts, which is a very good thing. The problem is that the much touted bandwidth efficieny of DAB is only applicable when each transmitter's frequency allocation is fully utilised. This is why the final bitrate chosen for the transmissions is lower, each transmitter can only cope with, if I remember correctly, 6 full bandwidth transmissions.

To add more stations one has two choices, reduce bitrate (read quality) on other broadcasts, or build a new transmitter. If adding just a single extra station building a transmitter that can transmit a large number of broadcasts, but is only transmitting one is inefficient in terms of cost and bandwidth allocation.

It's a fatally flawed concept that is mutually incompatible with greater diversity of quality broadcasting.

The main benefit of DAB was an elimination of the effects of multipath, in my opinion a 'problem' that wasn't perceived by the average consumer.

Do yourself a favour, buy a reasonable analogue tuner and just enjoy it's limited bandwidth sound. It's the best and one of the cheapest musical sources I know, and has introduced me to music I've never heard of yet have thoroughly enjoyed.


Andrew L. Weekes

Posted on: 23 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
Thanks Bill, very helpful. I have lots of large trees nearby.
Posted on: 25 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
Thanks Bill
Indoor portable FM is very poor, involving much messing about with aerial angles. It is easier to get good reception of tv from a little indoor antenna. Perhaps Crystal Palace FM can interfere with Wrotham?
One last question to you wireless experts.
Determined to hear decent radio before I die or go deaf, I have reviewed the situation.
I could have an outdoor aerial but it would involve a 20 metre cable run, as opposed to 1m indoors. Does the cable loss negate the advantage of a SMALL outdoor aerial?

[This message was edited by Rockingdoc on MONDAY 25 June 2001 at 15:52.]

Posted on: 25 June 2001 by rn
Get a decent outdoor aerial. The results are very good. I had a Hitachi FT 550? tuner for years and the quality of tapes it produced were exceptional. People I played them to found it difficult to believe that it was taped off radio.
Posted on: 25 June 2001 by Craig B
...albeit from an American perspective, can be found at I believe that the author, one Marv Southcott, was a one time designer for Magnum-Dynalab and left to form his own company called Fanfare FM which competes directly with M-D.

FWIW, I live very close to my local Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC Radio 1 and 2) transmitter and get superb results with a Magnum Silver Ribbon on NAT 02. Haven't tried the SG-2 whip antenna, as of yet, but I wonder if its omnidirectional receive pattern wouldn't lead to multipath problems with such a strong local transmitter.


Posted on: 26 June 2001 by Rockingdoc
What a helpful reply. Thanks so much
Malcolm smile