Mice ruining music?
Posted by: Noel on 04 February 2002
We've got mice and we friends keep recommending devices which a) produce ultrasound (37 - 60KHz)in irregular sweeps/combinations, b)send signals along the mains which disturbs mice and other rodents. The devices seem to work, but the idea of putting hash into the mains really goes against the grain. I'm also dubious about having ultrasound runnig all the time. I know we can't hear 17KHz let alone 37KHz, but its bound to set off resonances in other things. Anyone got any experience of these devices from an audio perspective?
Traps don't get enough of them (10 set at present). Bait lets them die and rot between the floor joists(guess what I've been doing this last weekend!!!) and I want to get a cat. HELP!!!
Traps don't get enough of them (10 set at present). Bait lets them die and rot between the floor joists(guess what I've been doing this last weekend!!!) and I want to get a cat. HELP!!!