Forget the FRAIM

Posted by: Nigel Cavendish on 01 April 2001

I have it on the very best authority that the Post Office has been developing a hi-fi rack, in total secrecy, for many years.

Its project title is "parrystand" but it will be sold as "ParryStalsis".

It will satisfy everybody. It is made from recycled junk mail(sorry, Direct Marketing Material) so it is eco-friendly, it is bio-degradable(not suitable for outside use), it is non-ferrous, it comes as various combinations of base units and shelving(no glass) cunningly disguised as a Queen Anne chest of drawers so wives/girlfriends/partners will love it. And best yet, it has no effect musically or otherwise on the hi-fi that is placed upon it.

Extensive consumer tests in the Swindon area show conslusively that it will become a market leader.

