Elys v Super Elys

Posted by: Sproggle on 14 June 2002

Having spent most of the money I was saving for a new cartridge on something more important than hi-fi [!!!] I am left with two options:

1) Replace my worn K9 with my old Rega Elys (which probably has a year's life left in it).

2) Do without vinyl for a while and then trade in the Elys for a Super Elys. [Strangely, I've been enjoying listening to CD recently, so I can survive a couple of months without vinyl].

My turntable is: LP12/Lingo/Cirkus/Ekos.

[A Linn Adikt is out of the question for now - which is just as well, in a way, because I prefer to buy from my local non-Linn dealer who has earned a great deal of customer loyalty from me].

Although I think the Elys is excellent value for money, I was disappointed with its performance in my previous arm - an Ittok - because of its limited emotional effect. Its sonic limitations did not bother me.

Has anyone compared Elys with Super Elys? Does the Super Elys bring back the missing magic, or is the difference purely sonic? Which option would you choose?

Alternatively, will Elys + NAPSC (for my 102) provide more magic than a Super Elys would? I have studiously avoided hearing what power supplies will do for my 102 since I knew I would have to replace my cartridge first, and was not planning to use my Elys again...

Please don't suggest other cartridges.

Thanks in advance. smile

Posted on: 14 June 2002 by Ed R
I only have experience of the two cartridges on a standard Rega P25 so couldn't say how they'd sound in an Ekos.

On the Rega, the Super was miles better than the standard Elys, but still pretty rough around the edges. Music with the Elys sounded "recessed" and although the Super lifted things out of the mire, there still wasn't much communicated. I bought a Clearaudio, but you've ruled out alternatives so ignore me!

What about a new stylus for the K9?

Posted on: 14 June 2002 by Phil Barry
Hmmm...the owner of a full blown Linn can live without vinyl....

The writer of this contribution owns a ARO with a lowly Valhalla and Karma, And my CDS1 gets 10% of my listening time....

Maybe the ARO really IS the best arm, not just the best for some folks....

Flame with good humor only, please
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Mike Sae
IMHO, Rega carts are pretty rank.
Have you heard the new Linn Adikt MM?
Posted on: 15 June 2002 by Sproggle
...for the thought-provoking ideas. smile

Ed: What about a new stylus for the K9?

Yes, it makes sense. People have mentioned an Audio Technica one that's suitable. or maybe Expert Stylus or others have an inexpensive way of refurbishing a K9 stylus. I suppose I should look into it - it's just that having used my K9 for 13 of the last ~17 years [I think I've had 4 stylus units] I really want something different!

Phil: The writer of this contribution owns a ARO with a lowly Valhalla and Karma, And my CDS1 gets 10% of my listening time....

This was true of me when my turntable was LP12/ Cirkus/Ittok/K9.

With LP12/Cirkus/Lingo/Ittok/ <name of cartridge witheld*> I found myself listening to CD nearly 100% of the time!

With LP12/Cirkus/Lingo/Ekos/K9 my listening has until now been perhaps 90% vinyl, 3% CD and 7% analogue cassette - thanks to my 102 making cassettes that were unbearable with my previous pre-amp surprisingly enjoyable.

Mark: What does a new Super Elys cost?

It's probably about £150 - but I think there's a trade in value - maybe £30 - for my Rega Elys.

Mark: What about a rebuilt Troika from Expert Stylus?

Too expensive. And once I had a Troika I would have a tough time adapting to anything less if I had to downgrade. Also, I'm not happy about using a low output MC without a HiCap for my 102 - my hearing is deteriorating and becoming less noise-tolerant. In fact, I'm slightly uneasy about using even a high output MC...

Mike: Have you heard the new Linn Adikt MM?

No. I may have to consider it if the Rega options prove unacceptable - even if it means paying a bit of credit card interest or waiting even longer before I can upgrade. I think Andrew Randle has ordered one, so I'll be interested to see what he has to say about it.


* I've mentioned it so much on this forum that it seems unfair to mention it yet again.

[This message was edited by Sproggle on SATURDAY 15 June 2002 at 17:51.]