not a thead about nasty stuff, Rico discovers the NAP90 (ricosystem III)

Posted by: Rico on 19 November 2001

Now that I have your collective attention, its time to talk about Ricosystem III.

No, I'm not on drugs! Here's the bullet-pointed summary for those executives amongst you, followed by a piccy for those of the pictorial persuasion. We'll then wrap up with a brief discussion of the merits, and a few more piccies. smile

I know you'll all enjoy pointing out all the shortcomings of this system, but it has much going for it.

And here it is:

Yes thats right, Rico favouring a NAP90 after all the years of slagging it off. No, this is not a revelation, just a pleasant surprise. The NAC62 & NAP90 were kindly lent to me by a friend, and the speakers (AudioMark AM18's) lent to me by the designer. The NAP90-2 has been upgraded to 90-3 status, and is run via a black SNAIC. The Philips CD502 (aka "plastic fantastic") belongs to another friend, and is the cornerstone of his earlier system before he scored an all Naim system in the UK.

This system is certainly a rule-breaker! Set up as plonked down in the room, a real bitser. The winning thing here (apart from the outstanding synergy with Naim amps acheived by employing the fabulously musical CD502) is that the speakers have been optimised for the 90. Ever heard a 90 sounding really fast? Ever thought a 90, or a ported speaker could do PJ Harvey? Hell, this one does! OK, we're not talking the ultimate in refinement here, but loads of music in our lounge while whats left of Ricosystem II swims its way around the world to be married up to Ricosystem I. Jah Wobble's bass runs upset the player a bit - it just can't make that much sense of the complexity of the bottom end, so it just fluffs it. And we're probably lacking some scale here, although I suspect some improved bracing of the non-ferrous support would help things. The real culprit must be the speaker cabling, a case of "what was to hand" which in this case was some 5 metre lengths of RICO4 (1.2mm TPS 3-phase power cabling, solid core, with bananna terminations) left over from rounder-earth days. I'm sure NACA5 would improve things. I'm really keen to try the CDX in this system once it arrives - although a properly levelled support will be a requirement for CDX operation.

Source-firsters will understand why the MD player sounds more like a Japanese hifi, requiring a lot more heft on the volume dial to make scale... but allows me to groove out atop the ladder with paintbrush or roller in hand whilst Hooky runs through his stuff on Power Corruption and Lies. Yep, it's all music to paint rooms by. Groove Armada's Hello Country Goodbye Nightclub (did I get the order right on that one?) is not at all bass-shy, with the sub-lines wining forth. Sola Rosa sounds well funky, and when I run out of CD's to play (I have the traveller's version of desert island disks - the 20-disk Case Logic folder, packed in a hurry, along with a few aquisitions along the way), the Sony portable tuna makes good sounds.

So here's a chance for ya'll to knock yourselves out - point out all of the "issues" in the setup of Ricosystem III, and which rules I've broken. Glittering Prize: Whoever makes me weep tears of shame gets further details of the AM18's by way of a reward. Oh hell - I haven't said wood yet. Huhhh hehh heh heh huhhhh.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed the homage to Greg Beaty. The towel really works, but I have found the colour paricularly important - any other would not contrast favourably with Naim Green.

At any rate, the moral of the story is not to write off the NAP90. With careful speaker matching, it really can deliver a load of musical enjoyment, and more importantly, FUN. Kan owners will know what I mean. For those interested in the AM18's, there will be more details on a forthcoming website - it's a self-build speaker that works on Naim - awesome!

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

System Detail including Ricosupport.

[This message was edited by Vuk Vuksanovic is our friend on MONDAY 19 November 2001 at 19:55.]

[This message was edited by Better off without Vuk? I think not. on MONDAY 19 November 2001 at 20:01.]

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Rico
Audiomark AM 18 detail

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by P


The Screens!!!!!!

Rico's Gone mad!!!!!!!

Good to see you're enjoying it though regardless


Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Thomas K

You're never going to get that system working properly with the TV set between the speakers. Totally ruins imaging.


Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Rico
Imaging? Oh how round-earth! wink

Come on ya'll, how 'bout a list of the setup indecencies? eek

PS - Nurses are good for you.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Thomas K
I thought that WAS a setup indecency ... OK, how about "you need to put the source at the bottom of your, err ..., stand"?
Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Rico
Sorry Thomas, of course you are correct - the TV certainly is a setup indecency. It's just in such good company with all the others in this system.

The thought just occured to me that the diff here is that I like the way this rig sounds - sort of a contrast to those "oh why does my gear sound crap" enquiries and you see the nasty setups employed. I guess one possibility is that I've gone deaf, or at least have forgotten to remove my earmuffs when listening.

I must get back in to Real Music and listen more carefully to the AV2 as pre-amp against the 112, now that the Allaes have broken in a little more. Perhaps this will provide some perspective?

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Thomas K
The thought just occured to me that the diff here is that I like the way this rig sounds

Ooooh. Oooh Keeeiih. The thought just occurred to me that you might be serious about the setup hints wink

[Nurse! CPR, quick! We're losing him!]


Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Rico
<deadly serious now.> Well I was - you know I know the answers here - but thought the forum punters might enjoy seeing how many rules broken they might find (eg longest list with most merit wins), instead of slagging off each other's stands, for a change.

Or we could always talk about cars...

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Hammerhead
Rico Dude,

Glad you have seen the light and got a grip on a big knob (or two).

OK, my observations:
1) Severe spooling of speaker cables. Touching the wall as well. Shock!
2) Pre sat directly next to the power
3) CD 'player' on top of pre-power. Hey, what happended to the screening? The 'Plastic Fantastic' is a bit open to the Salisbury radiation no?
4) That TV should be a bit more centered. (Like mine..) Your gonna get honko-vision there budy!
5) Mini-disc nicely suspended but not level. Don't tell me - you shipped the M*n* spirit level - DOH!
6) No shag pile in front of the speakers. Major reflections dude. Bit live is it eh, eh?
7)Tut tut Rico. Not supported your local box producers. No, you just go and callously use a Mexican box (From Dusk Till Dawn anyone??) Just think of all that untouched wood. (In NZ's forests you filthy bunch!)
8) Mint green towl. Sooooo passe. Toffee is the new green sweetie.

Er, think thats it.

But does it really matter??

Enjoy the tunes,


PS - You missed a bit just above the TV. wink

[This message was edited by Stevie D on MONDAY 19 November 2001 at 23:18.]

Posted on: 19 November 2001 by Craig B

Everything that Stevie D. said, plus your power cables look a bit of a rats nest behind that Atlas stand (Atlas holding up the flat earth - giggles). And speaking of non-ferrous supports, it seems that you are in a much better position than Stallion armed with his fry up pan to test the effects of masses of steel near your home made Classik system? Oh, and while you are about it, does that little Sony radio actually work better that near to your amps or are you trying to turn it into a sneaky tuner supository?

I know, I know, renovation dust is a bitch but, won't your buddy's 'Plastic Fantastic' melt if left powered up all the time with that towel on top? And, what is with that door on the left? Do you get some kind of twisted round earth jollies when it is open? Jesus, now I know why you flogged the Rico Kans!

And before you kick me out of your new flat, about that paint job...don't quit yer day job at Mullet Audio mate!

Do I win a record or a punch in the nose?


[This message was edited by Craig Best on TUESDAY 20 November 2001 at 06:22.]

Posted on: 20 November 2001 by MarkEJ
...but those slices of toast leaning against the "non-ferrous support" look a bit burnt to me...

Probably wrong here, but the floor under the system looks like it might have been an "ex-fireplace", in which case the whole assemblage is sittting on a mix of suspended and solid floor. Hmmm.

You are also fortunate to have obtained, IMHO the best looking pre/power combination ever made by Naim Audio, (or anyone else for that matter). Are the cases reversed, or did the roller slip?



(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)

Posted on: 20 November 2001 by Pete, Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know
Hi, Rico

Just make sure that the step ladder in non-ferrous ;-)

I wonder which sounds best wood or aluminium, over to you -->Mike H<-- ;-)

Posted on: 20 November 2001 by Greg Beatty
...I see dribbled over the boxes??? I remember taking quite a schalacking for proposing this and yet it SUCH AN IMPORTANT MOD that it survives in a "plonk it down" system.

So here's another one. Have you tried the blankets over the top and sides of the speakers? Helps quiet speakers that have those noisy cabinets.

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here

Posted on: 20 November 2001 by Craig B
Through the intercom from downstairs in the lobby...

Oi Rico,

And another thing, those DIY speakers seem awfully high off of that patch work quilt you call yer floor mate, counsidering that you are not much of a ManCRACKLE freak...BUZZZzz...I suppose that if yer long term intentions are to listen to those bastZAPrds while up on yer ladder then they might be ok. Have you tried the other stands ZAP!...BUZzzzZZZzzthe rest all on the floor for now mate TIZZzzzzz...toss the extra stands out the back alleyBUZZ SNAP

Posted on: 27 March 2002 by Rico
... isn't it refreshing not to have a thread about stands! big grin

Firstly, indeed Greg, that is the ubiquitous towel employed in the now long-gone Ricosystem III.

Now, new improved Ricosystem IV is mutating in the sunroom at Casa Rico. Plonked down unceremoniously on move-in, I managed about 3 hours of listening without the XPS. And then as the work on main listening room stretched from weeks in to months, the system started mutating, as though I had left it in a damp spot... it sprouted first a DVD player and television so that we could watch movies after a hard day's de-boxing. And then someone lent us a VHS tape, so the video was necessary. And then Mrs Rico wanted TV, so the antenna "mod" was duely despatched. The Tuna was floundering in the corner, so I shifted the coax and low and behold, FM issued forth.

In the mean time, it sounds pretty good! Punchy, and the room is fairly lossy, with an irregular shape, and exposed-beam chappel ceilings. Hopefully I should have the main room finished before Easter Sunday, am keen to have the system proper set-up soon. Substituting 82/SC for 72/Hi and SBL's for the ES11's should be jaw-dropping. And we won't talk about the Mana, yeah? wink roll eyes

So anyway, here's a few pics showing the mutation...

[Chris Koster left his breifcase] wink

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 27 March 2002 by garyi
Christ, get the duster out
Posted on: 27 March 2002 by Rico
come now Gary - it's a matter of needs must. I'm creating dust in other parts of the house such that I provide a good environment in which to house the full rig, in it's "dust shrine" we know as Mana. Then of course, it will be spotless as usual.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Rico
Ok gang - is this a little better?

it is of course a work in progress, and lets not discuss cable dressing.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 09 April 2002 by Mike Sae
but I'm disappointed that you didn't paint your walls all black. Now you'll be compelled to wrap your Eposes with "cherry" or beech veneer.

What colour are your SBLs?

Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Rico
What colour are my SBL's?

Always bet on black, dude. And besides - mere Cherry or Beech wouldn't look any good against the delights of NZ Native Rimu, featuring extensively thoughout our gaff.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Dev B
That Nakamichi looks a bit familiar smile
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Lo Fi Si
I hope that's recycled Rimu!


Just about to buy 47 acres of potential vineyard in the Wairarapa. cool

Posted on: 10 April 2002 by garyi
Whats that weird plug system you have going on there, are they 'piggy backing' and if so how?
Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Lo Fi Si
Yep, they are piggy back. Not fused and no earth pin lockout as in UK plugs.

\ / Piggy back socket
I-- Lead connects here somewhere
I Plug in bit

I'm totally wired, can't you see

Posted on: 10 April 2002 by Rico
Just about to buy 47 acres of potential vineyard in the Wairarapa.

Sounds rather nice, Si. Not that bit in Martinborough, on the way up the slope to Te Kairanga vineyard, per chance? Just mind it doesn't prevent that CDSII upgrade! Hey - 47 Acres means you'll be able to have a tractor!

As for recycled Rimu - remember, in the 70's (when most of the renovation work was done on our 30's cal bungalow) they were still using Rimu as we would have used pine in the 80's. So undoubtedly it was new. Some interior decorator suggested painting over it all, and the ceiling dark blue and besides, that native timber is already out of date... "not in this house, mate!" was the rapid response.

Yeah GaryI, they're PDL tap-on plugs. NZ standard is M.E.N. system, rather similar to UK. there's more detail in this picture - hope it's simpler. I'm biased, but reckon its loads better than all of these crappy mains blocks put together, bears no fuses, made of good solid copper, and works well. Piggybacking one on to the other keeps it all simple.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

PS - the Nak's working beautifully, thanks Dev. And welcome back mate! cool You'll notice that one of the top disks in the foreground is "Mowlam Dub".