Upgrading plans
Posted by: Sproggle on 28 May 2001
Years ago, I used to write earnest but wildly optimistic upgrading plans, which culminated in systems that included active Isobariks or SBLs.
Now, suitably chastened by real life, my plans are somewhat more modest:
2002 HiCap (s/h) for pre-amp
2003 MC cartridge - possibly Dynavector 20XL
2004 NAPSC for pre-amp; NAP 140 (s/h)
2005 CD5 (s/h)
2006 Replacement cartridge; Fraim
2007 HiCap for CD5; more Fraims
2008 Even more Fraims
2009 Speakers to replace my Kans!!!??? [They will, after all, be 22 years old at this point].
Does anyone have equally crazy plans?
[Current system: Audiotech table; Linn LP12 /Lingo /Cirkus /Ekos /K9; Sound Factory Tripod stands; Rotel RCD965BX; Naim 102/90; Linn Kans (on KanII stands)]
[This message was edited by Sproggle on MONDAY 28 May 2001 at 10:31.]