I feel like Rip Van Winkle with Naim's New Gear!

Posted by: Kevinbro on 10 October 2002

I left Naim for the summer, got outdoors. I come back and nothings the same. I look at Naim's product section and everythings changed. It's ALL new gear. The stuff I knew and loved seems replaced. Amps, PreAmps, Speakers, even CD Players. Even the cables. Per the site: "along with those for older models, have all been upgraded!"

I feel that Naim wants me in a complete new system:

Replace 72 with either 252 or 552? Replace 135s with 145s or 300 or 500? Replace XPS with XPS2 and New Design Supercap and flagship CDS2 (not even listed) with CDS3 ...if I want everything to match like a set!

Anybody else feel like this?
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by garyi
Nope I feel fine, I would like some of the new stuff, but lets face it we don't need any of this to survive.
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by Roy T
"I want everything to match like a set!" but if you close your eyes and listen to the music does it really matter if everything matches? With your eyes closed don't they all look the same?
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by David Ng
Frankly, I prefer the old olive look with the glowing naim audio logo. Classic! Um, also trying to avoid listening to the 500...

Posted on: 10 October 2002 by Steve Toy
Here's me looking forward to getting an old-style XPS on the cheap.

The new stuff may be better than the old in most cases ('scuse pun red face ). However, many folks (including me) reckon that the Nait 3 is better than the Nait 5, and although it's before my time, the Nait 2 is/was apparently even better still.

Suck it and see, methinks!



It's just a pleasure to hear music as it was intended to be heard.
Posted on: 10 October 2002 by silklee
In fact, i want to save up and go for a used 52/250 in future. Not that interested in the new series.

I am using a 92/90 now and i feel that they sound just fine as long as you got a good source.
Posted on: 11 October 2002 by NB
I am happy to have a mixture of styles just as long as it sounds as good as it can.

I am taking the opportunity of purchasing ex-dem items while they are going cheap!!

Posted on: 11 October 2002 by rch
For a short period yet you can get the beloved "classic" olive boxes. So go for them soon.
