Hi-Fi - Art or entertainment? Round Vs Flat Earth?

Posted by: Martinm on 29 October 2001

I'm back to university and am using Hi-Fi in some of my work. To which end I was asked the question

" Is Hi-Fi art or entertainment?"

I was just about to come out with a really clever and witty argument when......... I realised that i didn't have one!

After lots of thought I have likened it the the round earth/flat earth argument. I personally feel that flat earth is far more about entertainment with its emphasis on the the boogie factor and round earth is more about art by trying to create a picture of the music.

Of course I am now stuck on what HI-FI as a product comes under - there is obviously an art to design or all would sound and look the same, but surely the end product is about entertainment? Is Hi-Fi both art and entertainment?

Having got to the Novatel this year it struck me that many manufactures seem far more concerned with the art - not just in terms of the sound but mostly in terms of the styling i.e. things had been designed to look good first and sound was somewhat secondry (my opinion!)

This would seem to be the result of consumer demand from the lower end of the market and lifestyle systems (something akin to the boy racer syndrome perhaps! they seem to spend thousands making a crap car look like a space ship when they could have spent the money getting a decent car in the first place!) If so what happened to the entertainment? Do you feel that the new Naim styling is a step toward delivering both?

Where do art and entertainment cross? and is that where the best systems stand?

I would be really interested to hear your thoughts and hope the topic is of some interest.
I will not be able to reply as often as i would like, as thanks to a well know British Telecomms company i have not got an internet line at home yet! So am stuck on the Uni computers.


[This message was edited by Martinm on MONDAY 29 October 2001 at 17:29.]

Posted on: 29 October 2001 by bam
I'd say the question contains a false premise. HiFi can be art and entertainment.

"there is obviously an art to design or all would sound and look the same"

Disagree. Just because two things are different doesn't imply any artistic influence upon their design.

What degree subject are you studying that allows you to use hifi? Nice.

Posted on: 29 October 2001 by Steve Toy
If your system is a form of art in its reproductive qualities, but it doesn't entertain you, then it doesn't work...
If you want a system that will impress others with its *arty* fact, then go get some home cinema system. wink or a round earth style system. frown
The end result of a system that pleases you musically is a work of art.
Entertainment derived thereof is the successful result.

It's always a nice day for it wink Have a good one! smile
It's good to get back to normal. wink

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by bam
From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

Main Entry: art
Pronunciation: 'ärt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin art-, ars -- more at ARM
Date: 13th century
1 : skill acquired by experience, study, or observation <the art of making friends>
2 a : a branch of learning: (1) : one of the humanities (2) plural : LIBERAL ARTS b archaic : LEARNING, SCHOLARSHIP
3 : an occupation requiring knowledge or skill <the art of organ building>
4 a : the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also : works so produced b (1) : FINE ARTS (2) : one of the fine arts (3) : a graphic art
5 a archaic : a skillful plan b : the quality or state of being artful
6 : decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Martinm
" what degree subject are you studying that allows you to use hifi"

Cheers for the reply bam I'm doing a leisure marketing degree which allows me to use anything i can define as a leisure pursuit in my work!

“I'd say the question contains a false premise. HiFi can be art and entertainment”

I think this is the point the further I look into it the more it seems that the two are very hard to separate, and it is suggested that entertainment is a structured method of delivering art to a wide audience

"Hi fi is neither art nor entertainment. Hi fi is technology. Music is both art and entertainment."

Surely design is a form of art? If art can be described as creative vision, communication, cultural influence, and personality then a new technology design could be described as an art. I would describe the NAP500 as a work of design art, the art of science perhaps?

"The end result of a system that pleases you musically is a work of art."

Agreed - an art I'm trying to master!

Do you guys consider your equipment to be more about entertainment than art? I feel that this might be a relevant premise to Naim owners

Thanks for the replies
Have a good one

Posted on: 30 October 2001 by Greg Beatty
Hi fi is neither art nor entertainment. Hi fi is technology. Music is both art and entertainment.

...was my kneejerk reaction, but B&O equipment is in the Museum of Modern Art! Then again, it might not qualify as hi-fi wink

My laptop - a Powerbook - is also a utilitarian tool that is in the Museum of Modern Art for its industrial design.

entertainment is a structured method of delivering art to a wide audience

This is an interesting idea. But surely at this point - considering also your original post - we are confusing the industrial design aspects, the tonal aspect (flat v. round earth), and the social aspects (delivery medium)?

A danger in answering any question is that the question iteself may be poorly formed. What exactly was the original question?

- Greg

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