Err - what now...

Posted by: Naheed on 07 October 2002

My cds is increasingly doing the ERR thing on a number of CDs only when direct accessing tracks. Which is annoying as sometimes I just want to listen to a few tracks, but to be honest I've got into the habit of listening to whole CDs, as I'm extremely happy with my current set-up & did not intend upgrading for sometime...

I figure the cds1 has many hours of use before failure, but with the new range and the cds2 upgrade not being a long-term offer, my preference for the olive casing, I reckon I have some options - and would value some feedback/suggestions:

1. Get a replacement cds1 transport fitted ---> £500
2. Upgrade the cds1 to cds2 ---> £1750
3. Buy two NAP 250s and replace the cds1 transport ---> ~ £1600 (including the sale of my 140s)

NAC82 and CDI spare ....
Posted on: 07 October 2002 by shinpad
Naheed, I would reccommend trying what Alan has suggested. I have one CD like yours that will not play in my cd3.5.
I put two strips of masking tape accross the whole in the cd in a cross, and then cut the whole out again. The cd played straight away.
I have attempted to draw what I'm getting at (very poor drawing!!)
Posted on: 07 October 2002 by Bernard Paquet
Buy a new puck. I had this problem so i ordered two new puck from Naim, one with one ring and the other with two. I only use the two ring puck with very difficult cd's.

Bernard Paquet
Posted on: 07 October 2002 by Rockingdoc
wiping the little bits of rubber on the puck with Blu Tak should be enough to cure it.
Posted on: 08 October 2002 by Naheed
Guys my PUCK1 & 2 are new, i prefer PUCK1...

Rockingdoc - i tried the blutak thing, don't do it, it compressed just as much overtime, and is a pain to remove without damaging the ring.

Stefano - i regularly do the puck nipping thing, and reguraly clean my discs and cds mechanism (with blutak)

Dozy - wink

I personally don't like the PUCK2 and can hear a difference.
I'm tempted to go for the taping the cd route, but i guess what i'm saying is the nextel ring is worn, will wear somemore, and naim won't be doing the cds2 (headunit) olive upgrade for ever.

Stephano the cdi/82/?/? may become my second system