Sound absorption / Room tuning

Posted by: Raphael on 20 August 2002

Hi there
I am thinking about gently treating my living room with some sound absorption panels - walls behind or to the side of speakers.
Do any of you have any experience of doing this and do you have any recommendations for a good source of panels?
Also have any of you tried any other tuning devices like those seemingly very expensive ones from Shum Mook?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Posted on: 20 August 2002 by Onthlam

If you look on the thread that is,"What does your room look like?". You will se that I use a wee bit of treatment to tame my room. Works wonderful.

I used the following three links to make up my mind to which, I went with the ROOM TUNE treatments. Works a dandy and is not that much grub as compared to other solutions.

I hope this puts you in the direction you are looking for.These are to be used if all other means have been utilized. I know a person who had the same results by putting a few large couch pillows in the room.Being that I only have a single chair in the room, this degates the use of pillows.


Marc Newman

Well, it has been some time and I checked out the three threads. Only one is still active. Echobusters.
Posted on: 20 August 2002 by J.N.
I have experimented with acoustic treatment panels. I purchased RPG items, distributed in the UK by Acoustic GRG Products of West Hythe Kent.

E-mail me if you want further info.

You can have a look at the products at

You can fairly cheaply 'tame' a lively room with the basic panels. XS bass problems are another matter entirely and are much more difficult to eradicate.