allae positioning...

Posted by: ken c on 19 May 2001

according to information on the naim web site "The bass alignment has been chosen to allow the speakers to be used either against a wall or out in the room, depending on the listener’s preferences and room acoustics. "

so, will this be the first naim speaker that can be used against the wall as well as out into the room??




Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
No, the same is true of the Intro, Credo and NBL.
The sbl and dbl are the only models which must be placed hard up against a wall. I would not suggest that the others work in free open air but they can all work happily some space away from the boundary depending on the room.
Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Andrew Randle
When will the Allaes be commonly available at dealers? I'm thinking of using a pair to demo CD Players with.

Also, what is the minimum power amp? 150, 140, 180 or 250?


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Willem van Gemert

In another thread Paul gave the following answer to your first question:

End of July, early August. We have finished our work, we now have to wait for our cabinet manufacturers to wake up!



Posted on: 20 May 2001 by ken c
No, the same is true of the Intro, Credo and NBL.

paul, many thanks for correction



Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
150, 140, 180 or 250, thats just what I would have said! the desired order.
Posted on: 20 May 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
Anyone know if Allae will have an active option with the IXO like Credo etc?


Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Willem van Gemert

I downloaded the manuals as well, but didn't spot the NAP 6-50 and the IXO 2 immediately. I only noticed this RC 5 connection on the NAT 05 and was wondering why it's there and why only on the NAT 05 and not on the CD 5 or Nait 5. "Multi-room" control was really the last thing I expected from Naim, but it seems that Naim is taking a new, less purist direction with the 5 series. Naim introducing an audio-visual and multiroom amplifier "designed to work with long speaker wires of any manufacture"? If you would have predicted it a year ago, people would think you're joking! I'm curious to see if any of these new "features" will appear as well in the higher end gear.



Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
Be interested but don't be confused, the 05 had the rc5 socket from day one, in multi room applications our tuner works very well, the cd5 less so, because of the single disc.

Many of our customers wish to have the naim family sound in more than one room, this has been possible but a little tricky to achieve.
THe nap6-50 is a pure 6 channel,3 zone amp that makes music. It is not in the Series5 casing.
It is housed in our full size extrustion and is fan cooled.
We do not produce any controllers but have found our amp works very well with the QED systemline system. If any of our customers wish to have a multizone set up, they can now use a Naim amplifier, but with a Systemline front end. Elevator music a thing of the past. If that's what takes your fancy!

Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Willem van Gemert
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the info! Very interesting. I first noticed the extra socket in the review of the NAT 05 by Paul Messenger in Hifi+, then I saw it again after downloading the Tuners manual. Funny nobody mentioned this socket earlier. By the way, good idea to put the manuals in PDF version on the Naim website. Had a look at the Fraim manual as well and I have to admit, it looks interesting. I'm looking forward to hear the stands. Any idea if they'll be at the High End in Frankfurt? I will come together with Marc, colleague and fellow Naimophile, on Friday the 15th of June. Hope to see you (all) then!



Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Justin
is the Allae intended by Naim to outperform the SBL? It is, after all, only slightly less money.


Posted on: 21 May 2001 by ken c
the allae is market positioned between the credo and the sbl.



Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Justin
To me, this just means the Allae costs somewhere between the Credo and the SBL. But I would like to hear whether Naim thinks this speaker makes the SBL obsolete.


Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Andrew Randle
At the Bristol Show, Naim said that the Allae will replace the Credo.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
The Fraim and the allae will be at Frankfurt, not sure yet who from Naim will attend.
Posted on: 21 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
The allae does not replace the sbl. It will obviously slow down the sales though. We have found it very difficult to find a big enough group of dealers world wide who want to spend the time it takes to manage the sbl in store and for home dems. The silicon seal is a real pain for some people but not for us.

We feel we have designed a very exciting alternative with the allae, extremely musical, user friendly and appealing styling. It is also not so wall dependant as the sbl, a real issue for many people.

Posted on: 22 May 2001 by Willem van Gemert

I'm looking forward to it!



Posted on: 22 May 2001 by Paul Stephenson
yes and yes
Posted on: 23 May 2001 by Stephen Bennett

downloaded naim manuals refer to IXO2
the downloadable Naim manuals on the main Naim site refer to IXO2, so presumably a new low-end active crossover is in the pipeline...

Where are the downloadble manuals? I couldn't find them...


Stephen Bennett. Composer and sound design. (UK)

henry fool The Fire Thieves:

Author of 'The Fast Guide To Logic'
and 'Making Music with E-Magic Logic Audio'

Posted on: 23 May 2001 by Willem van Gemert

Select a product like for instance the Fraim (Products/Accessories/Components/Fraim). At the bottom of the page you will find the link "Download an Owner's Manual" which will bring you to the "Manual" page.



Posted on: 23 May 2001 by Stephen Bennett
I see. Hidden in a basement in a cupboard with a sign saying 'beware of the lepoard'


Stephen Bennett. Composer and sound design. (UK)

henry fool The Fire Thieves:

Author of 'The Fast Guide To Logic'
and 'Making Music with E-Magic Logic Audio'