
Posted by: seagull on 17 June 2002

I recently moved my kit which entailled disconnecting everything and reconnecting again (including power off and on using the prescribed order).

Since then I have been getting slight mains hum (audible with the volume at 12 o clock - louder than I usually listen I know but...) but only when the phono is selected (LP12 connected). I have tried the connections again but the hum has not gone away. Any ideas?

Also, I connected the speakers up so the cable from the right hand side went to the right hand speaker (as you look at them from the listening position) and the left to the left. However, when I turned the balance control to the right the left speaker stayed on and vica versa. confused . Is this normal or was the balance control wired by a girlie? eek
Posted on: 17 June 2002 by John Sheridan
The hum is normal. You've wired your speakers backwards.
Posted on: 17 June 2002 by seagull
1) I had not noticed the hum before, but if its normal...

2) I seem to remember this happening last time I reconnected the speakers. There are thunderstorms forecast for tonight so that would be a good opportunity to switch everything off and swap them over! An interesting co-incidence that this very matter was raised in another thread today.
Posted on: 17 June 2002 by garyi
A fair amount of the wiring is done by the fairer sex.
Posted on: 17 June 2002 by John Sheridan
Seagull, did you plug your gear into the same electrical outlet or a different one? Maybe you've picked a noisier socket...
Posted on: 18 June 2002 by seagull
no it was the same one. Have had approval from the boss to add more sockets to the room - dedicated spur here I come!!! smile
Posted on: 18 June 2002 by kevinrt
have you checked the labelling of the speaker sockets on the back of the amp. The sockets on my nait 5 are not the way round that I expected, ie. right socket to right speaker (viewed from the front), but if you wire them up correctly according to the labelling the balance control works corectly.