72/Hi vs. 102 NAPSC

Posted by: onlythat on 31 August 2002

Anyone done this comparison? I have a 72/Flat cap currently and have a chance to buy a nice 102/NAPSC for use with my 140/CDX. Should I go for it (then do the turntable thing i speak of in my other thread-gone-wrong) or keep my 72 and buy a HI to replace the Flat? I am all ears and i remain, respectfully,

yours in the dharma,

Posted on: 31 August 2002 by Mike Sae
This is a silly place, isn't it?

What are you using for speakers? If you feel your speakers (or your whole system for that matter) needs tightening up, a 102/flat/Sac should do wonders.

The only problem you might get with a 102 is the vastly increased detail, which can be off-putting.

That said, some prefer the 72/Hi to 102/Sac. The 72/Hi is a classic, and there's been some epic forum wars wrt the merits of the 72 vs. 102.
Posted on: 01 September 2002 by Mike Sae
What now, Vuk?
Posted on: 01 September 2002 by onlythat
Referene 3a mm de capo i's. They dont COME any tighter Mike!! They are phenomenal. just beautiful. My CDX is terrific and I LOVE my 140, so the weak point as I see it, is the Flatcap. A Hi would be about 800.00 used, but, if I sold the flat and 72, I would oonly use another 300 or so for the 102 NAPsc (all used, of course). So it is either sell the 72/flat and buy the 102/NAPSC, or sell the Flat and get a Hi and be done with it (until I can afford an XPS, that is). What say you?

Posted on: 01 September 2002 by Mike Sae
Oh yes- the de capos, sorry I forgot.

I know it's not very helpful, but all I can suggest is demming your 72 vs. a 102 and make a choice. If there's one thing I'd like to take away from this whole stereo forum thing, is that you really need to hear something for yourself. It's quite shocking how different people hear, nevermind individual tastes.

The notion of being "done with it" is quite appealing, however wink
Posted on: 01 September 2002 by Mike Hanson
The only problem you might get with a 102 is the vastly increased detail, which can be off-putting.

That said, some prefer the 72/Hi to 102/Sac. The 72/Hi is a classic, and there's been some epic forum wars wrt the merits of the 72 vs. 102.

Stop being so bloody diplomatic. wink

I've never done the comparison of 102/NAPSC vs. 72/Hi. Naim pre-amps can sound somewhat forlorn without a *-cap power supply. However, the 102 is much better than the 72 (even though you're in denial smile), and that's really the way this fellow should go.

Considering the help of *-caps, I would suggest that he consider the following possibilities:

  1. Wait until he can afford the 102/NAPSC without trading in the Flat-Cap.
  2. Buy only the 102 now, then add the NAPSC later.
  3. Trade in the 72/Flat for the 102/NAPSC, then save for a Hi-Cap.

My choice would be #3.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Posted on: 01 September 2002 by Phil Barry
My experience, based on store dems of 102 vs 72 and ownership of a 72/hi, is that 102/NAPSC vs a 72/hi is sort of a wash. I'd expect that the 102/NAPSC would come out slightly better over a 72/flat. But some of us would far prefer one to the other. OTOH, I sure like remote control.

If you put cost into the equation, swapping the 72 for a 102 hardly makes sense, unless you like the 102 much more than the 72.

Forum wisdom used to be that one needs to upgrade 2 jumps - 92 - 102, 72 - 82 - to get a worthwhile improvement in quality. So you have yet another option: forget the 102 and start saving for an 82 - I'm the only person on the forum who thinks a 72/hi is better VFM than an 82/hi going into a 140.

Given the probable drop in proce when the new series comes out, now is not the best time to buy used Naim equipment.

Posted on: 01 September 2002 by JeremyD
I compared 72/Hi/90 with 102/90 without NAPSC, using a Naim CD5 and Royd speakers [not the current range], and was unable to detect a musically significant difference. When the speakers were swapped for a pair of Linn Kans like my own I soon found I had a clear preference for the 102, which I bought. If you search under my old nickname, Sproggle, you will probably find two or three posts that give my impressions.

Incidentally, my dealer told me that more customers prefer the 72/Hi to the 102, so even more than with other choices I think it's essential that you get a proper dem.


[This message was edited by JeremyD on SUNDAY 01 September 2002 at 16:40.]
Posted on: 01 September 2002 by onlythat
Sounds like I'm gonna buy a Hi-Cap for now and save for an 82 then.

Posted on: 02 September 2002 by redeye
Believe no-one including me.

Recently went from 72/Hi to 102/Napsc/Hi.

Suggest the only thing you trust are your own ears

Posted on: 02 September 2002 by JeremyD
If onlythat is prepared to save for an 82 then it's no longer relevant how much better a 102 is than a 72/HiCap. A 72/HiCap will be much better than a bare 72, and an 82/NAPSC/HiCap will be much better than a 72/HiCap [for most people, at least wink ].