Naim and 47 Labs

Posted by: Dean Leroy on 06 October 2002

On Friday with some time on my hands I decided to checkout a small new audio store here in Nashville (where there is no Naim dealer) The first thing I noticed on going in was a set up of 47 Labs new "budget" system called Shigaraki. It consisted of cd player with outboard power supply a dac with its own ps, and an integrated amp with its ps (familiar?). This stuff is really small, even compaired to the Naim shoebox series. But even at its modest price it is exquisitly presented with each piece attached to a ceramic base. All was connected with their own kind of cable- very thin copper strands covered with some sort of synthetic. I must admit I was tempted. As much as I admire Naim, I know there are many (or at least a few other) mansions in the palace of music and this was one of them- clear, articulate, and quick. What struck me though, was how similar 47's approch is to Naim's, at least insofar as they seem to follow the two box, integrated, add as you need it philosophy. Has anyone else here had a listen. I would be interested in othe impressions.