The NAIT5.

Posted by: Vik on 22 November 2001

I can see why different groups of people like the NAIT 1, 2, 3. But its become a regular thing at the shop to see people being BLOWN AWAY by the NAIT5.

What one may find a shortcoming is a slight lack of refinement. The similarly priced Roksan Caspian Mark 2 is a seriously good amp, definitely better in artificies than in nearly all the stock NAIT5 does. And it's so good in those other terms that it's easy to give the NAIT5 a miss.

But the Nait's trump card is in resolving the rhythmic structures better - of which instrumentalist is leading the band, the interplay between the musicians. And when the FC2 is put on, well, that's really another level of insight and refinement.

(Whether at that level it's worth comparing against the Caspian2 as apple for apple is subjective, but its clearly better then).

It's true shortcoming, if at all, and most well implemented systems will not show this, is power.
But it's still 30 NAIM watts. Blast it for a day. I have, driving tricky load speakers - Snell floorstanders, Red Rose R3s and Rosebuds, Magneplanar MG12. And they're plenty of good efficient speakers out there. Everyone has a preferred choice.

Most times it doesnt even get warm, and i cannot remember a time where it got hot.


(5 series must be well run-in for best results.

Posted on: 22 November 2001 by Mike Sae
Good to see you're "back".

And they're plenty of good efficient speakers out there

Care to elaborate?
The speakers usually recommended are all rather inefficient. ie. Neat, Royd and all those old Epos and Linns.

Posted on: 24 November 2001 by Thomas Breding
You should definately add a FC2 to your setup. I did that, and got blown away after a couple of weeks of "warming up". The sound improved a lot. More 3D, more detail and a more "relaxed" sound.

Borrow one from your dealer and try for yourself. Connect the "better" output to the CD5 (source first...) and the secondary one to your Nait5.

:-) Thomas

Posted on: 24 November 2001 by Thomas Breding
A second hand or new HiCap could then be the next step for your CD5, leaving the FC2 to be dedicated to the Nait5.

Then we just need to wait for a CDX with 5 series looks and then off we go on the upgrading path to hifi heaven...(?)

:-) Thomass

Posted on: 24 November 2001 by max in hampshire
Thomas - I am intrigued by your reference to a "better" output and a "secondary" output.
Sorry if this would be self evident if I had the Flatcap2 but presently I do not.
I had a miserable experience with a Naim dealer yesterday. Having known for more than one week what I wanted to listen to they had to get the instruction book out to connect up a Flatcap2. Even then they took nearly half an hour to get it to work. Hardly surprising that I have some lack of confidence in them! But I would like to know what you are referring to in case they missed a trick. Not really much "in case" about it actually. All a bit disappointing considering all Naim do on dealer training.



Posted on: 24 November 2001 by Jay
Hi Max

The FC2 has two power outputs A and B. A delivers better quality than B, don't ask me why. Naim recommend the better quality output A goes powers a pre with B powering whatever else, usually the CD5. Good to experiment though, you may have a different preference.

I think the FC2 great and really cost effective. It did me proud on the end of a CD3.5 and 72.

Hope that helps and it sounds like you need another dealer. Imagine what they'll be like putting together a pair of SBL's!


Posted on: 24 November 2001 by max in hampshire
Hi Jay

Thanks for that. Good to get such a simple answer. One I can understand!

As for getting a different dealer, the other local option is not too clever either!

Seems I'll have to keep an eye on both of them.


Posted on: 26 November 2001 by Peter Stockwell

Did you go to Ringwood ?


Posted on: 26 November 2001 by max in hampshire

Oh dear........ I was hoping not to name names! But since you asked, it was Ringwood I was referring to.

To be fair I went there earlier in the year when I embarked on my new music system odyssey. Then my potential spend was much lower than it is now and Phil could not have been more helpful.

Also to be fair Phil was not involved on Friday as he was not in. Perhaps that made the difference. In fact the other two guys had to call him on his mobile and have him talk them through the way to connect up a FC2.

Perhaps they just had a bad day. I am certainly giving them another chance in a couple of weeks.


Posted on: 04 December 2001 by Peter Stockwell

I just bought my HiCap (for use with Nait 5) from them, and it's true that the other store guys seem to rely on Phil.

But, they're very friendly over there and when I went to pickup a Stageline that I bought on a previous occasion I was able to listen to the best system they had setup, even if they knew I hadn't the slightest intention to buy.

I rate them very highly.


Posted on: 04 December 2001 by Chris L
The reason that the other two guys rely on Phil a lot, especially where Naim gear (and LP12's) are concerned, is because Phil's been a Naim (and previously Linn) dealer for god knows how long.

Drew, at least, has only been in the hi-fi game for a year or so.

Personally, I'd rather he admits ignorance and calls Phil than try to bulls**t his way through.

Chris L