Active System Set-up

Posted by: Neil Bennett on 11 June 2002

I finally have all the pieces of the active jigsaw and would appreciate any help/advice or pointers/guides etc any of you could suggest to me to help set it up!

System comprises: CDSII/XPS/LP12/Ekos/Arkiv/Prefix/NAT02/52/Supercap/2x135's/SBL's.

I've recently rebuilt the SBL's (think I've done it OK, but it was my first time and not sure since they fart a bit at v.v. high volumes), had a new plinth/cover/service and new Arkiv for the LP12, and got the CDSII (up from the CDX) so am ready for the switch.

I've just had delivery (today!)of an ex-dem S-NAXO, 2nd-hand Hi-Cap and 2 more ex-dem 135's, so the plan is to send my original 1989 135's and the 1992 Hi-Cap to Naim for updating and use the new 135's passive while they're gone. However as soon as they're back I'll be setting the system up active.

What should I be careful of? I've got the S-NAXO handbook from the website but what other guides/advice will help me to get it sounding as good as possible?? All input from those who've done it gratefully accepted.

I've promised the Doris that this is it, but I do fancy easy-to-set-up SL2's in Maple vs. my fiddly-to-set-up black ash SBL's...Has anyone heard them side by side, passive and active yet?


Posted on: 11 June 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
Hmm, surely you need 4x 135 to go active?

Left bass
Left treble

Rt bass
Rt treble

Posted on: 11 June 2002 by Tim Danaher
Neil --

You don't have an active system there. You would need a SNAXO 2-4 active crossover (plusHiCap / SuperCap) that would split the signal from the 52 into, as Bruce says, Left Bass / Left Treble, Right Bass / Right Treble. You'd then need 4 135s, one for each of these signals, and you'd need to detach the crossovers from the back of your SBLs

Hope this helps.

Posted on: 11 June 2002 by Tim Danaher
Sorry Neil. Martin Payne would be the one to ask about this. He gave me some really good advice on connecting up my active setup.


Posted on: 11 June 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
Ok I have read it more carefully now, you have got 2 more 135's now. Sorry.

Anyway as for setting up I can only suggest you download the user manuals for active crossovers and the connections manual from the Naim site.

Then sit down and follow the signal path with the usual form of tagged end towards the source-

52-Scap-Hicap-Snaxo(Top sockets =Treble R+L and Bottom=Bass R+L)

Then sit down, have a cuppa, check it all again from the start and finally switch on carefully. It has been suggested you should connect the bass drivers first as treble connected to bass driver is less fatal than the other way around!

When it works it should be wonderful.

Posted on: 11 June 2002 by garyi
And make sure you have the SBLs set up right, if you are not sure of the sound, then frankly you havn't got them set up right.

If they are working then thoughts of other speakers hould be far from your mind with passive 135s let alone an active future.

Check here for all sorts of good wholesome stuffs
Posted on: 11 June 2002 by Thomas K

I hope your SBLs didn't fart at very high volumes immediately after you resealed them - you shouldn't drive them too hard until the seal has properly dried (= a day or two) ...

Posted on: 11 June 2002 by jpk73

Use the newer 135s on the trebles. That's all I can say...

Active SBLs are gorgeous!

- Jun