Supplying the 52's controls

Posted by: Mike Hanson on 09 October 2001

A 5-pin cable is used to supply power from the Super-Cap to the 52, and it seems to be the same cable as the one used with a Hi-Cap. Based upon murmurs on the Mana forum regarding JW's modified 52 and its external power supply for the digital controls, I'm wondering whether it would be safe and/or beneficial to use a spare SNAPS2 (dual-railed) to power the 52's controls. It might free up some juice from the Super-Cap, as well as isolating the power supplies even more.

Does the 52 take the standard 24VDC that's supplied from the Hi-Cap, or is it closer to the 18VDC supplied by the NAPSC of 82/102 fame? Can I safely plug it in without blowing it up?

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

P.S. I suspect that the answer is to leave well enough alone. If there were actually a benefit, I'm sure that Naim would suggest getting an extra Hi-Cap for your 52 as an upgrade option. Because there's nary a mention, I'm guessing that this is a wild goose chase.

Posted on: 09 October 2001 by Dev B
Mike, don't bother!

I think the digital bit is less than 24 or 18 vdc, when i had a spare supercap once (used for prefix, bought for active) i tried connecting the digital p/s of the 52 separately from the digital output of the spare supercap - couldn't hear much of a change that couldn't have been related to wine. i am sure that trainee mullet/mana boy dave dever will tell you why this is a bad idea from an earthing perspective.

-=> Mullet Audio <=-
'we take it from behind'

Posted on: 09 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
I expect that you're right, and your experience with the two Super-Caps was certainly the preferred method for testing it. I was just curious, most of all.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 09 October 2001 by David Dever
i am sure that trainee mullet/mana boy dave dever will tell you why this is a bad idea from an earthing perspective.

Two non-24 VDC power rails, twin earths, higher current supplies (LM317K) than a dual-rail SNAPS could provide (LM317T regulators).

Dave Dever, NANA
"Extra characters are best only at parties"

Posted on: 09 October 2001 by Mike Hanson
That clinched it. smile

-=> Mike Hanson <=-

Posted on: 10 October 2001 by Dev B
maybe the new hicap2 will sort you out mike. two outputs one regular 24v one 5v just like flatcap2. bet you even mullet/mana boy dave dever didn't know about that bit of breaking news.

- = > Mullet Audio < = -
'first for breaking news'

Posted on: 11 October 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
LM317K = 1.5A

LM317T = 1.5A

Just a different case, with different thermal resistance that's all.

There is a higher current raw supply (bigger transformer) in a Supercap though, and it should be a lot quieter.
