Rebuilds, Vancouver and Aeriasls
Posted by: Malcolm Davey on 05 November 2001
Now I am rebuilding my system I have had a seperate spur installed with 8 sockets - any recommendations as to the order for using them? I also have a Musicworks block (from previous home) and will also experiment with that.
Possess an original NAT 101 (with Snaps) and had Ron Smith install the aerials. Two problems...I am in a poorish location for crystal Palcae and living in a bungalow I could not use a Galaxie 17 - the chimney would not take it - so I have the Orion5 instead. No 'inky blackness' for me on Radio 3. (Galaxie would have need a 30 foot mast to get high enough). So my tuner wanders and is hissy and sometimes spits, I guess a service is needed (never done in 14 years. Alternatively a change of tuner - any thoughts? Incidentally when the passages are not very quiet the sound is excellent. As is the TV picture.....