Is a Flatcap 2 better with a CD5 than a high cap?
Posted by: Jaybar on 29 March 2001
I have a CD 3.5 I try it with a Flatcap - Snaps - Hicap. The last was by far the best.
Bernard Paquet
Well... not quite. The CD player doesn't benefit from the extra grunt of the Hi-Cap nearly as much as a pre-amp can. (i.e. The improvement over a Flat-Cap is not as obvious with the CD player as it is with the pre-amp.) There's also "Source First" to consider. Here are a few scenarios:
- If all you have is the CD5, then the Hi-Cap is better than a Flat-Cap2.
- If you have a CD5, Nait5, and a single Hi-Cap, then it should be used with the CD5.
- If you have a CD5, Nait5, and a Flat-Cap2, the configuration is obvious. (The manaul explains that you connect the primary supply to the pre-amp, and the secondary to the CD player.) I'm not sure which would be "better": this configuration or the previous one. With this one, you have the inferior Flat-Cap2 giving a little bit to both components (both of which like it). With the prior configuration, the superior Hi-Cap is giving lots of juice to the CD5, but the Nait5 is living without. I suspect that some people would prefer this one, while others would prefer the previous one.
- If you have a CD5, Nait5, Hi-Cap and Flat-Cap (old or new), then put the Flat-Cap on the CD5, and the Hi-Cap on the Nait5.
Is that as clear as mud now?

Finally, did I mention that a Hi-Cap is better than a Flat-Cap2? BTW, Naim has stated this too.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
I had discovered this by experimentation long before the Flat-Cap2 arrived on the scene. I used to run 3.5/Hi/102/Flat. When I switched it to 3.5/Flat/102/Hi, there was much more music coming out the end. This is because the Hi-Cap makes the 3.5 only a little better than the Flat-Cap does. In contrast, a Hi-Cap makes a pre-amp MUCH better than the Flat-Cap does.
Therefore, the total benefit to your system is greater putting the superior *-cap on the pre-amp.
Having said that, a 102/Hi deserves a CDX or better, which is why I upgraded my 3.5/Flat. Since then I've jumped to 82/Super, so now the CDX really wants an XPS. As you can see, "Source First" is also a concern with me, although "System Balance" plays a pivotal role.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-