informed decisions

Posted by: neil w on 15 September 2002

as we have seen with some threads getting deleted
naim wanted to keep the new ranges as much under wraps as they could
however r&d and building prototypes & working prototypes takes time
which leads me onto my main point is that i, along with probablys many people ,have in the last 6 & as recent as 3 months purchased new 135s & 52 supercap
there was however no dealer comment as to these being replaced in the very near future .
had i known i would have waited for the new gear & done the demo comparissons & purchased what i concieved as the better option be it new or old range
i understand it from naims point of view that had thier plans been divulged to buyers that many would have posted and possibly affected sales but then again those who would have waited still would have purchased one or the other
now when & inevitably i will hear the new range & if its better how much of my 10.5k will hemorage if i decide to trade in
now thats the twist out of the way i could take advantage of the current situation & get a 1st class cds 2 ex dem for 5k or wait for the cds3 & possibly miss out?
if this offends any one i appologise

yours neil
Posted on: 15 September 2002 by DIL
Since power suppies feature heavily on Naim's upgrade path, there are no doubt many who would be interested to know about compatibility and possibility to upgrade to current spec; including casework.

I am thinking here of 102/82 users wanting to add a new style HiCAP or S'CAP or, if they already own a HiCAP or S'CAP swapping their existing old style NAC's for 282/252. Then there are the CD power supplies.

No doubt the truth will out in the fullness of time, but if anyone at the show heard anything or asked the question, there are no doubt many that would like to know !


[This message was edited by David Legge on SUNDAY 15 September 2002 at 20:07.]

[This message was edited by David Legge on SUNDAY 15 September 2002 at 20:08.]
Posted on: 15 September 2002 by Mark Dunn
Hi David:

You've hit the nail on the head for me. I have a 102 and would very much like to know if the new Hi-Cap is sonically better than the old. Mixing the different looks doesn't bother me.

Mark Dunn
Posted on: 15 September 2002 by Paul Stephenson
ALL the power supplies with the exception of the 552 ps can be mix and match, old and new styles.