Today I got my new CD5, which I bought after listening to Linn Ikemi, arcam FMJ23, Rega Jupiter, AHTjoeb and a CDX. I can enjoy my CD collection now like my vinyls on my Rega P3.
Can I consider myself now as "somebody"?
My system consists now of
- Naim CD5
- Cambridge Audio T500 - Vandenhul The first ultimate
- Rega P3 - MF XLPs - Vandenhul Integration hybrid
- EAR 859 - Naim NACA 5- Cabasse Sloop speakers
I wonder what will be my next Naim step:
flatcap2? hicap? stageline?
Posted on: 04 January 2002 by Markus
Theo, I can, in fact, confirm that you are somebody. You are Theo. And now you have a helluva nice cd player, too!
Regarding your next upgrade, I suggest more cd's!
Posted on: 04 January 2002 by Theo
Indeed everybody declares me for crazy for buying a CD5 over a CDX. The CDX is indeed the better player. Even I can hear that, better soundstage, clearer, more detailed, more dynamic.
But what count at the end is the system as a whole. My EAR 859 is unlike many tube amplifiers rather clean sounding and not very warm. Furthermore my Cabasse speakers are super dynamic, very detailed and also a bit lean (meaning they don't have a very warm mid- and bassrange),and has a very articlate one note bass. The CD5 excels in giving the rich sound I needed. The CDX was just to much for my system.
The stereophile review of the CD5 described this difference between the CD5 and CDX very good. (Normally I don't care for their reviews but MF got it right this time)
And also there is the money.
Posted on: 04 January 2002 by Craig B
I wonder what will be my next Naim step:
flatcap2? hicap? stageline?
Now that you are a 'somebody', I suggest that you temporarily sidestep 'source first' principals (ie. 'The Vuk Maneuver') and treat your EAR to the same thing that this fellow did to his...
The proceeds from this operation should allow you to slip a nice little Nait 5 (and Stageline?) in between your CD5/Planar 3/(XLPS) and those Cabasse speakers. Not only will the Nait cure their 'articulate one note bass' but, it will miraculously make you forget how to spell 'deParavacini'.
Later on you will be in a much better position to determine which of Flat-Cap 2 vs. High-Cap vs. Stageline will benefit your system the most (I'm voting Flat-Cap 2/Stageline with the p/s connections dictated by source preference).