Best Upgrade Ever

Posted by: Naheed on 30 June 2002

Well not exactly...

After a series a rapid upgrades i'm back to enjoying my system, there is scope for improvement but i don't care, instead i've plunged a couple of hundred quid into plenty of CDs smile wink big grin cool razz

active is the only way...
Posted on: 30 June 2002 by J.N.
Only frequency sweeps are acceptable here I'm afraid.

It's a Hi-Fi system for goodness sake.

Consider yourself unclean and never again darken the portals of this esteemed forum.
Posted on: 01 July 2002 by Naheed
Its disgraceful isn't it - people actually enjoying music and NOT upgrading ...

Nick I would do but alas, everyone there listens to either Val Dunigan (?) or Naim CDs, they probably would'nt know what I'm talking about.

active is the only way...