
Posted by: Arthur Bye on 29 September 2001

Anyone know where I can get one, and if they actually work?

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 29 September 2001 by Dev B
Hi Arthur,

Robert Ritchie of Robert Ritchie HiFi in Montrose, Scotland, I believe has one in a box (well, he did last time I looked - 2 mth ago). His number is 44 1674-673765. As to whether it works, he does a little 'mod' to it to make it work as intended, but his normal advice is not to have it fitted.


Now featuring a Linn LP12/Lingo/Aro for your listening pleasure.

Posted on: 29 September 2001 by kan man
Hi Arthur
The Aromatic works just fine. I have no problem with mine at all and as far as I can tell, it makes no difference to the sound. They're hard to get nowdays but if you have no luck with Dev's suggestion just try ringing round all the dealers, there's bound to be a few getting covered with cobwebs. £100 is the going rate incidentally.

Dev - any details on the 'mod' - mine seems to work as nature intended without modification.

Now does anyone know where I can get an autochanger for my LP12???


Posted on: 29 September 2001 by Don Atkinson
Now does anyone know where I can get an autochanger for my LP12???

Train the wife - it can work! big grin



Posted on: 29 September 2001 by David Dever
...we could order one for you--it's just that they tend (in some intemperate climates) to come undone. Not my favorite item at all, I cue by hand instead...

You'd also need to drill out the armboard, or order another pre-drilled armboard--and this assumes that your LP12 plinth is not ancient (i.e., needs corner braces of a reasonable size.

Dave Dever, NANA

Posted on: 30 September 2001 by ebirah
Can anyone post a pic or link of what these things actually look like? I've had an ARO for years and have seen several but the AROMTIC remains a mystery. Is it also made out of a rusty nail and bent pin like the ARO armrest ?!


Posted on: 30 September 2001 by kan man
You have no idea how scary that concept is... roll eyes

Not quite - it's made from left over bicycle parts. It works on the same principe as cable operated brakes. The lever is at the front RH side of the deck between armboard and plinth and connected to the lifting mechanism which pushes up through the armboard to lift. Pic attached - sorry about my lack of photographic skills. I used to be quite good until I did a photograpy course and I haven't taken a decent picture since.


Posted on: 30 September 2001 by Arthur Bye
Thanks for the response.

Sounds like I can get one from Naim, so I'll give that a shot first.

Dave Dever:

Since I've given up drinking and smoking(and puking and coughing) my hands aren't as steady as they used to be. I know that one of these days I'm going to croak a boron cantilever. Hence the desire for an Aromatic.

Kan Man:

Thanks for the photo. I can barely make out the Aromatic, but I get the idea.

I've just bought a Lyra Helikon SL and they give dire warnings against using it without a fully damped cueing lever, voiding the warranty and other nasty stuff. The Aro is pretty decent at cueing unless you want to play a track in the middle of the LP. Then things get shaky.

Arthur Bye

Posted on: 30 September 2001 by David Dever
Since I've given up drinking and smoking (and puking and coughing), my hands aren't as steady as they used to be

Funny, If you've seen the way people cue up vinyl at hi-fi shows with $4000 + expensive cartridges, you'd issue that warning, too. (I'd have kept the occasional drink--fewer inhibitions about stylus damage--as the cantilever better be able to handle it.)

Dave Dever, NANA

P.S. I'll check tomorrow--I believe we've got a few hidden in the back of the stockroom...!

Posted on: 01 October 2001 by Dev B
sorry, i seem to have a slight analog problem - i can't seem to make up my mind. will post my full story to 'hello ' magazine soon.