Quad amplifiers

Posted by: Jay on 07 May 2002

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OK not strictly a Naim question but has anyone had any experience with these Quad amps. They looked kinda interesting....


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[This message was edited by Jay on TUESDAY 07 May 2002 at 10:45.]
Posted on: 07 May 2002 by richard goldsmith
I seem to recall those 50E amps were not "predecessors" to the 303, as the vendor claims, but ran contemporaneously. I believe (but cannot comment from personal experience) that they would be very similar to the 303 in sound. There are plenty of Quad lover sites that will fill you in on these.

I've owned Quad amps in past times, and I'd never bother again. The 3 series have a funky, retro look, and they do seem to be indestructible. But the 33 pre-amp is truly woeful, it just smothers the sounds and loses detail. The 303 and 405 and 405/2 are adequate performers, but sound is so-so. They do seem to drive the electrostatics well, which is where they belong IMO.

Quaddies are pretty clannish lot, and some of them still defend the 303, but I think they need to get outside and smell the roses.
Posted on: 07 May 2002 by Stephen Rodrigues
All the Quad amplifiers (and speakers, tuners, CD players) I've ever had the misfortune to listen to have sounded as dull as dishwater.

"...support your local independent dealer!"
Posted on: 07 May 2002 by Rico

I think the team here are concerned that you might be abandoning the cause for a pair of old Quads. [unlikely as it may be]

I assume you posted as they're interesting items! they sure look to be in great nick. I had never heard of them before. Wonder if they're any worse/better than the 404?

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio

...besides, you might have your local friendly Naim dealer in paroxysms! eek
Posted on: 07 May 2002 by Jay
besides, you might have your local friendly Naim dealer in paroxysms!

What do you mean might big grin (pretending that I know what paroxysm actually means!)

No danger of me going to the dark side my friends. I've never seen anything like them up close and there looked like there was a bit of history behind them so thanks to everyone for repling. I'm not in a Quad collecting mood today.....although, how would they go for Home Theatre amps eek

Posted on: 07 May 2002 by Rico
although, how would they go for Home Theatre amps

Funny you should ask! The chap I purchased a 42/110 from back in early 1999 worked in DVD production... his home system was built largely around QUAD power amps - must have had a broadcast background I guess. He was using a collection of 303's and 404's IIRC, as well as a big mutha REL sub. As for how they compare to real HT offerings, well... you'd have to find a round-earther for that answer cool

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Tony L
OK not strictly a Naim question but has anyone had any experience with these Quad amps.

I used to have a 303, which is the cheaper home stereo version of these studio mono amps. The 303 is actually a pretty capable amp - Quad power amps tend to be far better than their preamps, and the 303 was definitely better sounding than the later 405.

Years ago there was a small fad for using a Quad 303 with either a second hand Crimson, or Meridian pre, as the combo sounded rather good and could be landed for peanuts. I Have certainly heard the 303 sounding fabulous of the end of a mixing desk, and it really is virtually indestructable.

These older Quad amps deserve a little more credibility than they get, most who slag them off have only heard them with a Quad pre upfront, this is where the lifeless sound comes from.

Trouble with this auction is I bet the price rockets, as I believe Japanese audio-nuts love the early Quad transistor amps as well as the IIs (which really are good).

Posted on: 08 May 2002 by richard goldsmith
Rico - what the **** is a Quad 404? - one assumes you mean 405.

And Tony, you are dead right about the preamps. But not sure I agree that the 303 is better sounding than the 405, or at least not in my experience, having compared the 303 with the 405-2 at some length. However, both seem to do the bizz with the ESL with no fuss. In general the power amps are much better than the preamps would permit, and I have also tried Quad power amps with better preamps and they can do the job quite well. In fact, a Quad 405/2 and an Audio Innovations L2 valve pre acquitted itself quite nicely for a while in a system of mine. Shitloads better than the 33 for sure.

As for the Quad II, I'm gunna stick my neck out here - vastly overrated product IMO, and I've heard a few in a number of systems. Quite a nice sound for the pipe and slippers brigade, but underpowered, massively overpriced these days and ergo overrated.

But seriously, if these 50E things go ballistic on e-bay it just proves how insane the retro crowd really is. They are not that good.
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by J.N.
A Nait 1/2/3/5 would p*** over them!

Nice pictures, though.
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Rico
one assumes you mean 405
ahhh - yes. The only QUAD products I own are the FM4 Tuna, and the Model I valve amplifier and control unit (can't recall the number but's mono to match the model I).

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Tony L
...and the Model I valve amplifier and control unit (can't recall the number but's mono to match the model I).

Didn't realise you had them, go on, post some pics! I can't even remember what they looked like.

Posted on: 08 May 2002 by Jay
Nice pictures, though

Maybe they were going after the ex-Sergent Major market or something big grin

They do look seriously cute and in mint condition. I especially like those brass seriel number plaques but US$200 is getting beyond my weekly allowance eek
