Amazing New Discovery

Posted by: garyi on 24 April 2002

Well this is odd.

In the past few weeks two things has changed regarding my deck.

1. replaced a Dynavector 17d2 with a Linn Klyde

2. Replaced my project rack with an ash designs one and moved the whole lot away from the speakers.

Result, there is no feed back what so ever from the deck.

By that I mean, before if you got within sniffing distance of the deck you could hear it through the speakers, if you rapped the plinth the speakers would thud. This has totally gone, short of making the cart jump I can hit the deck with no noise from the speakers.

This is obviously a good thing but what has changed?

Is it because the klyde is significantly heavier than the dynavector?

Just interested.
Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Phil Barry
I would think that moving the whole lot away from the speakers did it.

Isn't phono feedback due to the sound generated by the speakers effecting the stylus? If so, if you double the distance bewteen the speakers and cartridge, you quarter the effect of the speakers on the cartridge.

Posted on: 24 April 2002 by Craig B
Well I don't believe that the math is a neat as all of that Phil.

Upon re-reading Garyi's original post, it appears that he has actually made three significant changes over the past few weeks; a new cartridge, a new stand and a new stand location.

I would imagine that the combination of all three changes would have a significant affect upon his vinyl playback performance. How much of an effect each change has in isolation would be difficult to gauge without some experimentation.

IME arm/cartridge compliance and resonant Q values play the most significant roll in a decks resistance/susceptibility to bass excitation (assuming a decent quality deck). It could be that the Klyde might just suit the RB250/P2 better than the DV17D2 does. I don't have any direct experience of these cartridges on anything less than well armed LP12s and the like so this is merely conjecture on my part. Having said that, moving the turntable further away from the speakers has to be a good thing, especially as it is a Rega.

I do recall that a one time poster here ran a P3/Karma mullet setup somewhat successfully for a few years prior to having a P9/DV re-birth (and subsequent Angliron religious conversion).

Who knows, maybe Linn's MCs are especially compatible with Rega's entry level decks/arms. Has anyone done an LP12/Ekos/Bias vs. P2/RB250/Arkiv comparison lately?
